“Worst. Angel. Ever,” Toby said, his eyes watering. “I’m so sorry, Mama.”

“But I won’t,” Death added. “You have a lot to learn, Toby, but you’ve done the best you can. It wouldn’t have been enough, if there weren’t other issues, but you got lucky. Sometimes, that’s half of what Fate is.”

“I’m proud of you, Toby,” Katie said, seeing the look that crossed Toby’s face. “No normal ten-year-old would’ve come to the underworld to find me.”

“I’m twelve,” Toby said miserably.

“Seriously?” Katie cleared her throat, not sure what else to say. She looked from Toby to Death. “What happens now?”

“I want you to remember Deidre, not Death,” the petite woman said. “It would be nice to be remembered for something other than stealing the souls of loved ones.”

“I can do that,” Katie said. “We made a good pair in the jungle.”

“We survived,” Deidre said with a small smile. “I don’t have much time. Toby, take her to the portal.”

Toby gasped. Realization broke over Katie and with it, joy. She flung her arms around Deidre and hugged the small woman tightly.

“Mama!” Toby cried in shock and pried her away.

Deidre offered one of her amused smiles. “You should go quickly, before I change my mind, my dear.”

“One more question,” Katie said. “What about Andre? I know I saw him.”

“You saw his ghost. I took his form first but found it lacking.”

“So he’s dead-dead.”

“But you are not. Hazel is safe. She’ll be a beautiful woman – if you leave now.”

Katie couldn’t help the bubble of happy laughter that escaped. Death chuckled with her then motioned to the stairwell Toby was desperately trying to pull Katie towards. They ran through the palace. Katie trailed the angel until they reached a small chamber she would’ve mistaken as a janitor’s closet on the top level. Toby wrenched open the door and ducked into the dark room. A portal glowed in the center. Katie entered, overwhelmed by the thought of leaving.

“Toby,” she managed. “What about Rhyn?”

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