“What are you doing?” Deidre demanded.

“Go! Run with Toby!” Katie said and pushed her. “I’m going to feed the trees.”

She pulled two food cubes free and flung one towards the demons then dropped one where she stood. Turning, she grabbed Deidre’s arm and ran hard. As before, nothing happened at first then the earth roared as it split apart. The ground trembled, throwing both of them down.

Toby hauled Katie up and tugged her forward. Katie pulled free and grabbed Deidre just as the earth beneath her collapsed. Katie slammed to the ground, holding Deidre as tightly as she could.

“Toby!” she shouted. “Stay back!”

The angel ignored her and dropped beside her, wringing his hands helplessly. The blond woman dangled over the widening chasm, clutching Katie’s hand. She braced her feet against the side of the chasm and walked upward, until Toby could grab her belt. The angel pulled hard, and Katie pushed Deidre on top of the angel, who yelped.

“We must run!” Katie said, rising. The ground still rumbled, the trees surrounding both food cubes expanding fast and tearing up the ground in several directions as they did. She looked around, irritated to find she’d caused a chasm to form between them and the direction they’d been running.

Deidre and Toby stood. Katie started forward, only for the rumbling ground to drive her to her knees. Horrified, she saw the chasm form a rough circle around them, trapping them on a small island surrounded by football field wide trees and chasms too wide to jump.

Deidre landed on her back beside her, and Katie pulled Toby against her. They huddled on the ground, waiting for the trees to crush them or the demons to snatch them. The ground continued to rumble. Slowly, the sounds died down then fell silent. Katie peered apprehensively out at the world.

Their small island was untouched. The trees and jungle beyond were decimated by chasms and fallen trees.

“So that’s what happens when you feed the trees,” Toby said in part wonder, part horror. “I’m glad I didn’t try it.”

“Shit,” Katie muttered and stood, walking to the edge of the island. “Demons are gone, but we’re fucked when they come back.”

“Wow,” Deidre breathed. “I haven’t felt a rush like that in eons.”

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