“I don’t want to jump to conclusions.” I shook my head. “The media could have simply found us at the movie theater, and let’s not forget that with Alex and Sam being out of the country, they needed somewhere to focus their attention.”

“I happen to agree with David.” Selene cleared her throat. “It would be almost impossible to prove, but I can’t overlook the fact that she has ignored your basic needs. She should have approached you with the information about the pictures in a much better way.”

“She’s only been working for me for a couple of weeks. She couldn’t know how it would affect me.” I frowned. I was defending her, but I remembered some of the evil, hate-filled looks Tabitha had shot my way. Especially when I insisted on going home the night before.

“Anyone would have been upset about the pictures. And she shouldn’t have insisted that you go to the auction when you were obviously distraught.” David wrapped his fingers around mine. “Give her a different job, demote her without calling it that. Put some distance between you both. Don’t let her put you in a bad position.”

“I’ll tell her that I’ve decided to let Selene pick up some of the work,” I said. “To keep you from tormenting the nurses.” I shot my old friend a look.

“Honesty is the best policy.” Selene shot me a devilish smile. “She’s still going to suspect that she’s in trouble.”

“Good.” David was obviously not on Team Tabitha.

I slapped his leg. “If she is leaking stuff, we don’t want to alienate her.”

“Friends close, enemies closer.” David nodded his head.

“Exactly.” Selene sipped more of her tea. “I’ll take care of Tabitha.”

“What about me?” She walked out into the living room, still wearing her dress from the night before and carrying her shoes.

“Where have you been?” Selene set her cup down on her saucer. “You should be up dealing with today’s turn of events.”

“I was busy this morning.” She shrugged, and one of her br**sts almost popped out of her dress. “A friend came over.”

“You invited a friend into my home?” I stood up, shocked.

“Yes, my boyfriend came over to comfort me last night.”

“To comfort you?” My ire was white-hot. “To comfort you where? You aren’t coming from your room. Where is he?”

“We slept in one of the guest rooms. And he left out the back, where his car was parked.” She set her shoes down on the floor and stepped into them. “Now, what is it you want me to do this morning? I tried to make things right last night, but you weren’t having any of it.”

“I want you to pack your shit and get the hell out of my house.” The words flew out of my mouth before I could censor them.

“Excuse me?”

“You disappeared last night, you got drunk on the job, invited a stranger into my home during a difficult time, and then did God knows what in a guest room that is reserved for visiting dignitaries.” I clenched my hands at my sides. “Get your stuff and get out.”

“You might as well clear out your desk at the palace as well,” Selene added. “I’ll let them know you have limited access for the next two days.”

“You’re firing me?” She put her hands on her h*ps and I had to fight a violent urge. Apparently I’d spent too much time with my sister-in-law.


“For having my boyfriend over.” She started laughing. “Fine. Fire me for having my boyfriend over to your freaking house. Fire me for being driven to drinking by your emotional baggage. Do you know how much money you cost me yesterday?”

“What are you talking about?” David stood up and put a hand on my shoulder.

“She bailed on an interview. I was going to make five thousand euros just for getting Her Highness to talk to someone.” She pointed at me and I froze. “I didn’t complain when you chose one of the lowest bidders, but then you started crying like a giant baby. I’ve been helping you! You’re boring, you do nothing, and your charity was going to fizzle.”

“Did you take those pictures?” I squeezed the words out from between my teeth.

“How could I have taken those pictures? I was a floor down with the peasants, remember?” She sashayed toward the stairs.

“If I found out you took those pictures, you will never work in Lilaria again.” I could feel the explosion building under the surface, fighting to get free of my tight hold.

“Is that a threat, Princess?” She turned to look at me. “Are you threatening an ex-employee?”

“I’m reminding you of the contract you signed.” I sneered at her. “The one where you agreed to never release revealing or damaging information about the royal family and their staff.”

“Well, it would be impossible to prove that I took any pictures.”

“It’s not impossible to find out who leaked them.” David laughed. “And from what I can tell from your face, you’re going to have something to worry about all the way back to whatever hellhole you came out of.”

She turned to go back to her room and I broke. “Get out. Don’t get your stuff. I’ll have it shipped to you. Get out of my home right now.”

“This isn’t your home. This is your mommy’s home.” She laughed. “You’re just a floating figurehead. You have no real title or job. You have nothing but your boy toy—”

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