“Wow.” David turned to look at me and his eyes drank me in. “You look amazing.”

“What a beautiful dress!” Tabitha cut off any response I had. She put a hand to her bosom and I tried not to roll my eyes. It was likely she didn’t know what to wear to the event, and I hadn’t thought to offer any advice or ask what she was thinking.

I bit my lip. “You look nice too.”

“Thank you. I was just telling David that my friend is a designer.” She ran her hand over the material. “She made this for me when I told her I couldn’t find anything that I liked.”

“I’m going to grab my wrap, would you like me to get yours as well?” I motioned toward the closet. I really hoped that she was planning on covering up a little bit. Or a lot. A lot would be good.

“Oh, no thank you. I’m warm enough.”

I eyed the cutouts at her waist and bit my lip again. Taking out a silk wrap, I started to drape it over my shoulders, but David’s hands stopped me.

“Let me help.” He tucked the soft material around me. “You really look amazing.”

“So do you.” I eyed the way his shirt hugged his chest under the jacket. “The tux looks good on you.”

“Chadwick made me buy one when I asked where I could rent one.” He touched the tie at his throat. “It was a scary experience with tape measures and a little man with straight pins.”

I chuckled. “Then pass my regards to Chadwick. He did a good job.”

“I’m sure he will appreciate them. He said that if I was going on a date with you, I had to look the part.” His eyes clouded for a minute before clearing with a smile. “That you would be wearing the latest in fashion.”

“I like having you with me no matter what you’re wearing.” And not wearing, I thought. I liked that idea a great deal, but I kept the thought to myself. If Tabitha hadn’t been watching us closely I might have offered it up as a flirty line, but now wasn’t the time.

“So, tonight you are Princess Catherine, and I’m her date.” He reached up and touched one of my earrings gently. “Maybe Cathy can come out and play later.”

I laughed. “Tonight you are Dr. David Rhodes, trusted confidant of Princess Samantha, and I’m the lucky girl that gets to hang on your arm.” I leaned close. “But Cathy would like to get out of this uncomfortable dress eventually.”

“I knew I liked you.” He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. “And now we’ve gotten the kiss out of the way. Our date can proceed without inhibition.”

“Hm.” I smiled. “Not a bad idea.”

He walked me to the door, which he opened. The limousine sitting in the drive was running and ready for us. There were glasses and a bottle of champagne waiting for us inside. Before the door closed, Tabitha slid into the back with us, and I felt myself frown again. While I had known that she would be attending the formal function with us, I hadn’t planned on her crashing the date part of the night.

“There will be several journalists when we arrive. Is there one that you would prefer to speak to?” She pulled her phone out of a small satchel.

“I’d prefer to not speak to any of them.” My voice was a little sharper than I intended.

“It would be good publicity for your upcoming charity. Let them know about what you have in the works.” She eyed me over her phone, the slit in her dress showing most of her leg.

“If you’re worried about me, don’t. I can stand in the background while you answer some questions.” David smiled at me.

“Very well.” I frowned at the list she showed me. “Let me talk to Yvette. I’ve spoken with her in the past.”

“I’ll let her know.” She tapped on her phone. “How should I explain David?”

“Excuse me?”

“What do you want me to say about him?” She smiled at him, but her words annoyed me. As if he was an object that needed a backstory.

“He’s my date.” I shrugged. “That’s all they need to know.”

“Should I tell them you’re in a committed relationship? Or that you’re friends?” Tabitha persisted.

“That’s none of their business.” I looked at David, worried. He was watching, his mouth doing that thing when he isn’t sure if he wants to say something.

“Well, they’re going to ask.”

“That doesn’t mean we need to answer.” I shook my head. “Tabitha, it’s your job to talk around those questions, so you decide how you want to not answer.”

“I can do that.” She frowned. “But what about the pictures from the hotel?”

“What pictures?” My blood froze and my stomach twisted.

“I got word today that there are two magazines in possession of photos with you and David kissing at your hotel.”

“What?” I practically shouted the word. My stomach did a nasty flip. After Alex’s ex-girlfriend had released sex pictures, it had been my worst nightmare to think it could happen to me. It was one of the reasons I had been so careful.

“Are they security tapes?” David squeezed my fingers. I wasn’t sure if he knew about Alex and his ex or not, but he was quick to offer comfort.

“I’m not sure. Maybe cell phone pictures.” She shrugged. “If you don’t want them knowing about your relationship, you need to be more careful.”

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