“You’d go against your family if they didn’t agree?” He motioned for me to step into the elevator ahead of him.

“When it comes to who I like or care for, I’m not sharing that decision with anyone else.” I said the words firmly, but softened when I looked at David. “Not that my family would try to dictate something like that. There is some pressure from the older families to make sure the royal line isn’t diluted.”

“And let me guess, they have a son or nephew your age.” David frowned.

“You got it.” I tapped my nose. “Some are more persistent than others, but it’s always the same thing. Seating me next to them at dinner events, trying to get me to join their family charity events.”

The elevator dinged for the top floor and we stepped out.

“It must be difficult to find a diplomatic way of getting out of those situations,” David offered.

“Selene is great at helping me avoid those events, or I try to give a donation instead of attending. School gives me a good excuse as well.” I shrugged. “Max is stuck with this type of stuff too. Alex had it the worst though.”

“I can imagine.” David stopped outside of the door. “Speaking of brothers, is Max staying with you?”

“Yes.” I dragged the word out as my heart pounded in my chest. “Why?”

“Well, I’d like to kiss you good night, but wasn’t sure if he’d be waiting on the other side of the door with a bat.”

I laughed. “Max is probably asleep on the couch snoring loudly.”

“Good.” Grabbing my hand, David pulled me against his chest and didn’t waste time pressing his mouth to mine. Where our last kiss had been soft and exploring, this one was hungry. His tongue teased my mouth open to dance along with mine. His hands never strayed from my waist, but I leaned into him, desperate to be closer.

There was something about David that drove me crazy. His careful restraint that barely hid his hunger turned me on more than if he had pushed me against the wall. Knowing that he wanted me, but that he wanted me to experience it all was extraordinary. Most men would have taken the opportunity I’d presented David and not have thought twice.

His fingers dug into my sides and I moaned into his mouth. Pulling me with him, he spun so that he was leaning against the wall and I was pressed against him. I ran my hands up his arms and back down his chest while his hands inched lower ever so slowly. When he finally cupped my ass, I pressed against his leg, trying to get closer to him. I could feel his excitement through his jeans and he groaned softly.

Breaking away from my mouth, he trailed kisses down my neck while his hands massaged my behind. I tilted my head so he could have better access and ran my hands up into his hair. When his fingers slid a little lower, closer to my growing need, I couldn’t help the movement of my h*ps against his.

His fingers squeezed tightly, pressing me against his hard on, before releasing me suddenly. When his mouth touched mine again, the kiss was soft and short.

“You’re killing me, woman.” David’s raspy voice whispered in my ear.

“Then don’t stop.” I looked up at him, wanting what he had hinted at.

“Not yet.” He kissed me again, slowly, tenderly before pulling away. “I had a good time tonight.”

“So did I.” I fought against my disappointment. It wasn’t like I could take him to my room with my brother asleep on the couch.

“I want you to know that if I hadn’t made you that promise, I would be searching for an empty room right now.” He grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. “But I meant it. One thing at a time.”

“What if I don’t want to wait?” I raised an eyebrow. It was a bluff, though. In twenty-one years I hadn’t found a man who made me feel like David and I wasn’t fool enough to let that get away.

Leaning close, his lips touched my ear. “It’ll be worth it.”

I just looked at him, unable to find any words. I had no doubts that it would be worth it and that was exactly why it would be hard to do so.

“Good night, Cathy.” He kissed my temple. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Good night.” I watched as he walked to the elevator before digging my key out of my purse.

Max was right where I thought he would be, snoring on the sofa. Even at home he slept on the couch more than he did in his own bed. It was a habit he had developed as a child when waiting for our parents to come home. He was twenty-five, so I figured it would be a hard habit to break if he ever decided to do so. Paperwork had fallen off his chest and was strewn all over the floor.

I took my shoes off and padded across the room to pick up the mess. There were graphs of land surveys, lists of regulations, a small notepad, and a thin book about raptors. I smiled as I flipped through the notepad and looked at his notes. There were definitions with Latin names underlined, and curse words written next to names of people he apparently had to contact. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Apparently Max thought Sam and Alex needed to get another hobby.

As quietly as possible, I straightened his notes and stacked them on the side table before grabbing a throw blanket to lay across Max.

“Good night,” I whispered. Careful to not make any noise, I crossed the suite to my room. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to sleep after that kiss in the hallway, but a nice shower might go a long way to helping.


THE NEXT MORNING was beautiful. It may have been in my head, but I felt like the sun was shining a little brighter, the sky was a little bluer, and it took only a few seconds for the shower to heat up. By the time I wandered out of my room, I was happier than I had been in days. There was no denying the bounce in my step.

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