“She’s so funny!” The little boy pointed at me.

I turned to meet his eyes with my hands still tucked into my armpits. I couldn’t have planned a more embarrassing way to see him. Okay, that’s not true. I could ask him to take his clothes off. Again. Or spill coffee all over his suit. Yeah. I guess this was just par for the course.

“We were just trying to liven up the night.” I shrugged.

“Looks like you’re doing a great job.” David knelt down and smiled at the little boy. “Have you tried the hokey-pokey yet?”

“Is that the one where you put your leg in and shake your booty?” He gave a little wiggle to demonstrate.

It was David’s turn to laugh. “That’s the one.”

“Marty!” a woman’s voice called. “Martin!”

“Uh-oh.” The little boy looked past David.

“Marty, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” A redheaded woman ran through the open double doors, her soft pink dress fluttering in the wind. “I told you to stay at the table. The table! Does this look like the table?”

“Sorry, Mama.” He smiled, but didn’t look very worried. “But look! The princess knows the chicken dance!”

“Marty was just helping spice up the night.” I smiled at the woman. “You’re Meredith, right? We haven’t been introduced before.” I held my hand out to her and almost pulled it right back. Hopefully she wouldn’t think about the fact that my fingers had just been shoved in my armpits.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Catherine.” She stood up and shook my hand. Brushing some of her long hair back over her shoulder she smiled at everyone. “When Marty disappeared I almost had a heart attack. I hope he didn’t bother you.”

“He was delightful.” I reached out and ruffled his hair. “Was your grandfather able to make the trip?” Duke Thysmer was in his seventies and not traveling much.

“Yes. I was getting him some water for his medicine when Marty decided to disappear.” She gave the boy a stern look.

“Sorry, Mama.” He looked down at his feet.

“Get in there and tell your grandfather you’re sorry for scaring him.” She raised an eyebrow and I smiled. Meredith must have been very young when she had Marty, but she had the motherly expressions down pat. Once the young boy had disappeared back into the ballroom, she turned and smiled at us. Her eyes ran over David in appreciation. “Hi, I’m Meredith.”

“Forgive me. David, this is Lady Meredith of Thysmer.” Seeing her curvaceous figure shift so that every angle was somehow highlighted made my stomach turn. She wasn’t doing anything wrong or outlandish, but damn if she wasn’t the type of woman that turned heads. I remembered hearing once that she was an actress, so it only made sense that she knew how to show off her good angles. “Meredith, this is David Rhodes, a close friend of Duche— I mean Princess Samantha.”

“Lovely to meet you.” Meredith held her hand out and David shook it gently.

“Nice to meet you.” He smiled, but let go of her hand quickly.

“I’m going to go in and make sure he’s actually doing what he’s supposed to. You two enjoy the night air.” With a grin, she whirled away and disappeared in the throngs of people.

“She’s a duchess?” David turned and looked at me.

“Her grandfather is a duke, but her official title is Lady Meredith.” I bit my bottom lip. “She must’ve been really young when she had Marty.”

“I didn’t see anyone with her. Is Marty’s father not in the picture?”

I frowned. Was he fishing for her relationship status? “No. I don’t think he has ever played a large role in their family. She has been single for as long as I’ve known her.”

“That’s rough.” He frowned. “So, the boy, will he inherit the title as well?”

“Yes. Since he is the firstborn and only grandchild.”

“Your family tree is pretty confusing.” One side of his mouth pulled up at the corner and I felt relieved. He seemed more interested in our family than in Meredith’s dating life.

“Oh, you have no idea. This is just the tip of the iceberg.” I took a step closer to him and hoped that he had already forgotten the chicken dance. “Meredith is part of the royal tree, but so far removed that she isn’t truly related any longer. Much like Sam.”

“I think I remember hearing the name Thysmer before.” David stuck his hands in his pockets. “It was in a lot of articles about Sam.”

“They were the other family that had their title reinstated.” I smiled. “We don’t see Meredith often. She attends university in England. In fact, this was the first time I’ve actually met her or her son.”

“He looked like a handful.” He laughed.

“I think you’re right,” I said.

“But he did get you dancing.” His eyes ran over my dress and then back to my face. “I would think you’d have an endless line of people wanting to dance with you.”

“Look at you. You’re getting better at the compliments.” My mouth twitched and I hoped I wasn’t grinning like an idiot.

“Well, then I saw you doing the funky chicken and it all made sense.” His lips quivered as he fought a laugh.

“Hey! I’ll have you know, I do a great funky chicken.” I poked him in the chest and his hand shot up to grasp mine. His thumb ran over the back of my hand and I took a deep breath.

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