Their weapons weren't stunners, the laser weapons capable of incapacitating a horse with one glancing shot. They carried weapons meant to kill. Brady moved forward, reaching for his own weapon as he sought to decipher the scene before him.

"Lana, stay back!" Elise snapped, tossing a glance over her shoulder at the brunette trying to wriggle free of her. One of her arms was now wrapped around Angel's waist.

The man at the center of attention ceased screaming and lowered his head, panting. He wore a sheathed laser at his hip, and his hand was clenched around something small enough to conceal it from view.

The general approached, catching Elise's eye. He issued a hand command Brady recognized. Shoot to kill. Elise nodded in understanding.

"Arnie?" Lana called.

The man at the center of the circle shifted.

"Arnie, it's me. Can I come stand by you?"

"Hell, no," Elise snapped.

"Elise, stop!" Lana cried and shoved away.

Elise lowered her laser as Lana blocked her shot and approached the man named Arnie.

"What's going on?" Brady asked hoarsely, stopping beside Elise.

"If he moves too quickly, take your shot," Elise replied. "He shot one of my men last week. He's psycho."

"Wasn't he the former Vice Pres-"

"Watch Lana."

Brady slid away until he had a shot not blocked by the brunette. Lana reached Arnie and spoke to him too quietly to hear. Brady crept as close as he dared. Elise followed his lead. He heard Arnie's mumble, Lana's voice, more mumbling in response. Arnie held out his fist to her without opening it.

"Arnie," General Greene said at last.

The man's head rose. His eyes were glazed, his pupils large enough to swallow the color of his irises. Drool crusted one corner of his mouth. Lana shifted, and Arnie bolted towards the cliff.

"No!" Lana's shout broke the tense formation around them. She darted after Arnie and snatched his belt. Elise rushed them, and Brady followed. Arnie tripped, the content of his fist flying free over the boulders to the cliff's edge. Lana jumped over him and squeezed between two boulders, all but flinging herself towards the object.

Elise grabbed at Arnie, who twisted free and followed Lana. He wrapped his arms around the brunette as she rose with the object in hand. Brady sheathed his weapon and leapt over the boulders, confronting the struggling duo.

Lana squirmed in his bear hug, pushing them closer to the edge. Arnie struggled to grab her wrist. His footing slipped, and Brady's heart dropped as he saw them careen closer to the edge. Arnie snatched the laser weapon at his hip and shoved it against her temple. Her movement stilled. Copyright 2016 - 2024