"Thanks," she replied then touched her net. "Mr. Tim."

There was a pause then a surprised, "Lana?"

"We need help. Brady's hurt."

"Tell him I locked down all missile strikes on domestic territory. Stay where you are."

Brady's eyes closed, and Lana touched his face, terrified of the blood and his paling skin. Her own clothing was soaked with his blood.

"Brady," she said, panic in her voice. "Brady, stay with me."

"Tired," he whispered.

"Next time you shouldn't run through a missile strike."

"I'll be fine. Or I won't."

"You will be. You aren't leaving me again!" She traced the scars along one side of his face, taking in his features with concern. He was turning white. His breathing grew shallower.

"Mr. Tim," she said again. "Please hurry."

"Working on it," came the terse response.

"You can't leave me now, Brady," she whispered. "We're in this together, remember? You promised."

"I'll live," Brady managed. "I've died a few times and lived to tell about it."

She kissed his forehead and hugged him as well as she could. The hand pushing against his side was covered in warm blood, and Lana's panic increased as Brady's body began to relax.

"Brady! Talk to me! Tell me something," she ordered.

"Angel?" He opened his eyes and gazed at her, disoriented. "You're shorter than I expected."

She choked on a half-sob, half-laugh.

"The chocolate was good," he murmured, drifting off again.

"Stay with me!"

"I will. I promised you. Would rather die but I made a promise."

"Promised me what?" she asked. She tried to shake him as he faded again. "Brady, what did you promise me?"

"To marry you, of course. That's what people who care about each other do. Isn't that … what … you … said…"

She stared at him, surprised he remembered when she'd forgotten. He went limp, and she struggled to hold him up.

"Lana!" Elise's cry made her look up. The blond Amazon and Dan raced toward her from the gutted forest.

"Elise! He just … I tried …" Lana's throat was too tight to explain.

Dan dropped beside her, and the two lifted Brady's body from her lap and stretched him out. Lana stood back, helpless. Dan tore Brady's uniform open then pulled out a small emergency medical kit and slapped skin grafts over the two wounds. Meanwhile, Elise loaded a mini-med-gun and shot Brady twice.

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