Brian Little was your typical average guy. He was a struggling customer service representative in Bismarck, North Dakota. He lived by himself in a small one-bedroom apartment. He needed to lose a couple twenty pounds. He was fast approaching thirty.

Brian had never had much luck with women. He had never had a relationship that lasted longer than a month. When he was in high school, Brian was extremely shy.

In sixth grade for a field trip, he went camping for four nights. The first three days, he studied nature, made wallets, and ate by the campfire. He had never spent a night away from home until then. On the last night, there was a dance that everyone had to attend. He didn't know how to dance. He was scared of girls. Brian just figured that he would just stand around in a corner undetected until it was over.

Someone asked him to dance. He didn't know what to do or say. He went out there and tried to dance. After that, a few other girls asked him to dance. He even got up the nerve to ask someone to dance.

Then, Gretchen Hedaa, the most popular girl in the sixth grade, wanted to dance with Brian. He was petrified. Eventually, he did dance with her. Everyone was watching them. After that, Brian was on Cloud Nine. He was so excited that he didn't know what to think. All he could think about was Gretchen.

That was until he found out that one of his 'friends' had arranged every single one of his dances. He went from Cloud Nine to Rock Bottom. Brian was devastated.

Another time, at his junior year at Band Camp, he was walking from his cabin to the mess hall on the last night. His friend, the same 'friend' from Camp Piedmont, had called Brian over to his group. He positioned Brian in just the right spot.

Suddenly, he had one beautiful woman to either side of him. The one on the right, Heidi Zavatsky, kissed him on the cheek. The other chickened out. Before this, he was your typical "sixteen and never been kissed."

So many things were racing through his mind. No woman, let alone one as pretty as her, had shown the slightest bit of serious interest in him. Brian's friend told him that the next day he could do whatever he wanted to with her. Brian couldn't sleep that night. He was so excited. She was his first real 'love'.

The next morning, Brian was at the mess hall extra early anticipating her arrival. When she did come by, she was carrying her luggage. She had to leave early. He thought nothing of it. He left Band Camp feeling good and curious. Copyright 2016 - 2024