“I’m sorry. That’s all I can say. Your career will be fine. I’ll help you.” Ray propped himself up on one elbow with a wince.

“Damn right you will. Vampire!” She struggled against Will’s arm around her waist. “I hope that council ties you to a tree and lets the sun fry you.”

“Okay, I’ve heard enough. Let’s get out of here.” I glanced at Jerry. “Sienna, do you have a car?”

“Yeah, let’s go. My rental’s out front. I can’t wait to get away from this asshole.” She gave Ray one more kick then rushed back to the bedroom.

“Where are you taking her?” Ray struggled to his feet with Will’s help.

“Where else? Home with me. Someone has to keep an eye on her and it’s not going to be you.” I saw that the wound on his neck had already stopped bleeding. “Jerry, why don’t you meet us out front? Will, can you show him which car is Sienna’s rental? We’ll be out in a minute. Ray, do us both a favor and disappear now.” I glanced back down the hall.

“Call Damian and order whatever synthetic you need for her. Tell him to put it on my tab.” Ray sighed and started toward the kitchen. “Tell her I’m sorry.”

“She’s not ready to hear that.” I knew Sienna would be out any moment. “Remember how you felt when this was done to you?”

“Yeah, too well. I took away her future.” He ran his hand over his eyes. “Damn it, if the council decides to end me, they’ll be doing me a favor.”

“Ray.” Sienna stood in the doorway. “I really don’t want to watch your pity party right now.” She stomped over to face him. “You can’t fix this so now I expect you to make amends. We both know that’s part of a twelve-step program. You’ll be doing some big-time making up to me. Understand?” She pressed a black-painted fingernail to his chest, drawing blood.

“Yeah. Sure. If that’s what you want.” He straightened his shoulders, smart enough not to grab her hand.

“No, it’s what you owe me. First, from what Glory is telling me, I may need a new manager. Seems like Nathan is the only one who knows the vampire scene. Talk to him, persuade him to take me on because obviously I’m going to have to let mine go.” She took a shaky breath, tears glittering on those long and beautiful fake lashes. “Damn, I hate this. But I can’t put Ethan through this. Canceling shit for what he’ll think are arbitrary reasons. And he’d never get this vampire thing.” She covered her eyes for a minute. “I don’t get it.”

“Babe . . .” Ray obviously couldn’t stand it and tried to take her hand. Sienna sprang back, startling herself when she landed across the room, near me.

“I’m not your babe.” She looked down. “How far did I just jump?”

“About eight feet.” I settled my hand on her shoulder. “A new manager. That’s a good idea. Make Nate go along with it, Ray. Get busy. Make some calls. If you’re already helping Sienna, the council will be impressed. I hope.” I could feel Sienna shaking, her surprise at her new physical prowess obviously more upsetting than she let on. “Ready to go, Sienna?”

“Yeah. I have three bags in the closet. Will, can you get them?” She picked up her tote. “Let’s jet.” She stepped aside when Ray reached for her. “Touch me and die, Ray. I will never forgive you.”

“Sorry.” He moved when Will appeared with Sienna’s bags and followed us outside. The car was a small convertible. By the time we got Sienna’s stuff crammed inside, Jerry had decided to fly to the apartment and meet us there.

“What? He can fly?” Sienna had overheard our discussion.

“Not in my human form like Superman. I shape-shift. We’ll teach you how.” Jerry kept his arm around me. “Gloriana had a hard time with it at first but it’s really a simple process.” He kissed me on the cheek. “Watch.” He transformed into a blackbird and took off.

“Oh. My. God.” Sienna leaned against the car. “This is getting weirder and weirder. What else can you guys do? Can you turn into other stuff?”

“Sure.” Will did the bat thing then easily became a dog before turning back into his human form.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Sienna rushed over to the bushes and we heard her retch.

“Guess I should have saved some of that for another time.” Will grinned and strolled over to pat her on the back and offer her a handkerchief.

“Damned show-off.” Ray had stayed near his front door.

“You got it, flaunt it. Sienna, you’ll have fun with that once you try it. Don’t be a wuss like I was.” I helped her climb into the car, taking her keys and settling into the driver’s seat myself. She was pale and shaky, our reality still too much for her. I could see that she couldn’t imagine “fun” and “vampire” ever going together. “Are you okay enough for me to start the car?”

“Let’s go. I asked Will for water and he said I couldn’t even drink that.” Sienna’s eyes filled. “This is too much. Maybe the fresh air will clear my head. Just drive, Glory.” She leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes.

“You could have rinsed out your mouth.” I glared at Will. It wouldn’t have killed him to fetch her a bottle of water. “I’m sorry, Sienna. The first few days are the roughest. Take some breaths and try to relax.” I started the car and took off. It had been so long since I’d been turned I couldn’t remember that early adjustment period. But Sienna had a lot more to lose than I’d had back in 1604. I’d been an actress of sorts and no one had missed me when I’d stayed with Jerry instead of returning to the theater. Sienna was going to have to do plenty to make her career stay on track despite her new lifestyle.

Her display of bloodlust had reminded me that she’d have a raging thirst these first few days. But I’d have to make sure there were no more uncontrolled feedings. As soon as we got to my place, I’d have to give her a lesson in drinking from a vein. Fun and games. Because you know whose vein it would have to be.

When we arrived in the alley behind my apartment and the shop, the lights were working and Jerry leaned against my car. No sign of you know who. Of course not. She’d never let Jerry see her threaten me. Probably played innocent around him, though it wouldn’t help her cause. Jerry grabbed Sienna’s bags while I helped her out of the car. She was fading fast and sniffing the air. I knew I was going to have to feed her as soon as we got upstairs.

At the door to the apartment, we could all hear the TV blaring. Obviously Aggie was home and watching one of her favorite shows. She’d given up Judge Judy after losing an important court case in her own life. Now she was hooked on other reality shows. If there was a Real Housewives on the air, she was there watching. I unlocked the door and saw she was riveted by a hair-pulling fight next to a pool. Looked like either Miami or Los Angeles. Seriously? These “housewives” in bikinis with spray tans had had enough plastic surgeries between them to finance a clinic.

“Who’s this?” Aggie set a bag of rice cakes on the coffee table. She was supposedly on a serious diet these days though a Snickers wrapper peeked from under the couch cushion. “Suitcases? Is she planning to stay here? Where is she going to sleep?”

“Sienna Star meet Aggie . . . Did you decide on a last name?” I helped Sienna into a chair.

“Not yet. Maybe I’ll be like Cher. One name’s enough.” She glared when I snorted. “Hey, Star. Rock star Sienna Star. Didn’t you do a guest appearance on Real Housewives of Malibu?” Aggie was interested now.

“A lifetime ago.” Sienna collapsed in a chair.

“What’s the matter? You look pale. Glory? What’s up? Is she a vampire?” Aggie glared when I nodded. “Let’s get something straight right now, lady. Famous chick or not, I’m off the menu. Glory, you tell her.” Aggie grabbed her rice cakes and a diet soda and clicked off the TV. “I’m going to bed. The DVR is set so I can watch this when I get home from work tomorrow. Maybe you should get a pullout couch, Glory, if you’re going to bring home strays. Speaking of. I fed your cat.” She made a face, then headed down the hall. We could hear her muttering about bloodsuckers.

“Thanks, Aggie.” I looked for Boogie, but he was probably hiding. He did that when we had company. I’d inherited him when a fledgling I’d mentored had moved to California to enter med school.

“What a bitch.” Sienna sighed as she leaned back. “What did I do to her?”

“Nothing. She’s always like that these days. She tried to sue an ex-lover and lost. Now she has to clean his house every day as part of a settlement. Wouldn’t that put a kink in your tail?”

“Yeah. I’ll try to cut her some slack. She did smell pretty good though.” Sienna covered her mouth with one hand. “These fangs are going to be a problem if they just pop out whenever I’m around a, whatcha call ’em, mortal.”

“Give it time. You’ll gain more control.” I sat on the couch, smiling when Jerry settled next to me. “We’ve been working on a way to get her out of here, but so far no luck.”

“How much does she owe?” Sienna’s head wobbled. “No, don’t tell me. I’m not paying off anyone’s debts. I have no idea how I’m going to be able to work with this new life I’ve got, so money may be tight for me too.” She sighed and let her head drop until it rested on the back of the chair. “Glory, I don’t feel so hot. I need to lie down.”

“I know. Here, stretch out on the couch.” I jumped up and grabbed one of her arms, Jerry the other. Soon we had her stretched out on the couch. “You need blood and this time I’m going to show you how to drink properly. You need some ancient vampire blood. What you got from Ray held you for a while, but he’s a fairly new vampire. My blood is a lot stronger. It will give you strength.”

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