“It’s the least he can do. You drink it too. Putting me up like this is a favor to him and me. And recycling? Sure. Guess that’s important when you know you’ll be around a long, long time.” She smiled. “I can’t wrap my mind around that yet. Live forever, look twenty-five forever and I’m in the best shape of my life thanks to that last stint in rehab.” She gave me the once-over. It didn’t take mind reading to know she felt bad for me, stuck in a less than perfect body.

“Yes, you’re lucky. I didn’t have a clue when Jerry turned me.” I smacked my butt in pants that had the spandex I loved. “He stuffed me like a Christmas goose before my big V-day. I’d been close to starving before then. A widow with no skills.” I sighed, remembering. “After I became vampire I found out too late that I should have fasted or something beforehand.”

“If he likes you the way you are, that’s all that matters. And you know how to dress to look good.” Sienna leaned against the kitchen counter.

“Thanks, Sienna. I know my figure’s not in style, but lots of ancient males like a little padding on their women. Lucky for me.” I pulled open a drawer and found an extra set of keys. “Here’s the key to the door here and the one downstairs. Though now I’m thinking I should get the locks changed on this door.” I shared the security code to the building.

“Am I safe here? I heard you say that woman sneaked in here and planted those bees during the day and that she could have killed you while you slept. It’s scary to think what would have happened if Ray hadn’t called you over to help with me last night.” She shuddered. “Does that happen a lot? People coming after you while you’re, um, dead?”

“It’s always a possibility. Usually we’re okay with normal security and blackout shades.” I put my arm around her shoulders while she slipped her feet into platform sandals. She’d changed clothes, and her whole outfit, from the nude long-sleeved silk T-shirt with a logo from an Italian designer to brown leggings, screamed casual rocker with a killer body. “Try not to freak out about it, Sienna. We’ll figure out a way to stay safe.”

She sat on my couch with a sigh. “You want to tell me the whole story? About this bitch who can do magic?”

“I will. Later. Obviously I need better daylight security again until we put her out of commission. I used to have a bodyguard, a shifter who stayed with me twenty-four/seven. Jerry paid for it. I finally cut the guy loose and have been counting on the building security to do the job ever since. Guess that isn’t enough right now.” My knees turned to water and I grabbed the back of the couch while the reality of what had happened hit me hard. Aggie left us every day not long after daylight and was gone most of the day. That gave Mel hours to come in and . . . I had a horror movie going in my head that made me want to scream.

“Glory? You think we need a bodyguard again? What do you want to do?” Sienna got up and touched my arm. “I can pay the freight. I usually travel with a posse anyway. I know I griped about money, but it’s really not an issue. I don’t blow it like some rockers do, and I have plenty socked away. I’ve always known my singing days are limited.” She touched her wild hair and wrinkled her pierced nose. “Can you see this when I’m forty? Sixty? I’m not planning to be one of those geriatric rockers who doesn’t know when to call it quits.”

“You’ll never look geriatric now, Sienna.” I touched her shoulder. “But you’ll have to face a different issue with your looks later. When you don’t age. That’s years away. Something you can figure out when the time comes. As to the guard? We could split it, I suppose. That might make it easier on both of us. And it sure would make me feel better.” I tried to run calculations in my head but knew I really couldn’t afford to pay for even half of top-notch security. As long as Sienna was staying here though . . .

Hey, maybe she shouldn’t. If I put her in danger . . . I sat down again. Overwhelmed.

“So where do we go for this help? Obviously not my usual sources.” Sienna frowned and pulled out her cell. “I need a whole new contact list.”

“I know who to call. Jerry won’t like it, but I know who always made me feel safe during the day.” I pulled my own phone out of my purse. His number was third on my speed dial, right after Jerry and Flo. He answered on the second ring.

“Glory. What’s up?”

“Nothing good, Rafe. Can you meet me in the shop? Soon?”

“Sure. We’re closing right now. Give me thirty minutes. Is that okay?” His voice was deep and comforting. I felt better already.

“Thanks, Rafe. I knew I could count on you.” I ended the call. “Let’s go on down to the shop. You can see what’s new.”

“Good. I love your store. I have a gig on Halloween night and a party afterward. Maybe I can pick up a costume.” Sienna jumped up, purse on her arm.

“Sure, costumes are one of our specialties.” I followed Sienna down the stairs and watched her try out the security code. She had a good memory and we were soon out on the street. Luckily there were no paparazzi around and we ducked into my shop unnoticed.

“Who’s Rafe?” Sienna stopped in front of a rack of costumes and fingered the fringe on a flapper dress.

“My ex-bodyguard. He and I . . . Well, we got pretty close for a while. That’s why Jerry won’t be too keen on the idea. You know Rafe. He’s the owner of N-V, where you sang the other night.”

“Valdez! Sure. He’s hot, Glory. So you two hooked up.” Sienna gave me a high five. “Nice work. But no wonder Jerry won’t like him hanging around. Will Rafe have time for a bodyguard assignment?”

“I don’t know. But he can always recommend someone. He’s a shape-shifter and knows a network of them. Most of the people who work at N-V are paranormals.” I pulled out a two-piece genie costume that would show off Sienna’s perfect figure. “You’d look hot in this. Make Ray wish he’d behaved himself.”

“Yes, I like it. I’ll try both of these on.” She headed for the dressing room. “I never would have guessed . . .” She shut up when two more customers came into the shop. We’d been alone except for my clerk Megan until then. “What about here? Mortal or . . . ?”

“Not. It’s just good policy to hire people like us. When you’re not, um, normal, it’s nice to help each other out. I struggled for a lot of years, trying to find work that would allow for my crazy sleep pattern.” I glanced back at Megan, who was unlocking the jewelry case for the new customers, and lowered my voice. “Megan is my day manager’s cousin, a were-cat.”

“Oh, wow. I just can’t imagine.” Sienna stepped into the dressing room. “This world is crazy freaky. If the tabloids only knew . . .” She grinned and closed the door.

I turned away. There was something about her grin that made me uneasy. No, I was freaked because of Mel and her tricks, that was all. And worried that there could be more mice. Though I was sure Megan would have ferreted out any strays and made short work of them. I shuddered at the thought.

Sienna came out and modeled the flapper costume, not short enough. The blue dots on her arms showed and we both decided to take her business to the back room before a customer noticed. She was already getting looks, recognized. I was surprised she hadn’t been approached for an autograph yet. She was getting into the genie outfit in my bathroom when Rafe showed up. I couldn’t help myself. I ran into his arms.

“I am so glad to see you.” I let his warmth surround me with safety. It was tempting to linger. Finally I pushed back with a sigh.

“Okay, now tell me what’s up. You’re obviously upset about something.”

I dragged him to the back room, shut the door and told him the whole story. I let him know about Melisandra and her tricks, her determination to have Jerry for herself and our confrontation. When I got to the bee invasion Rafe grabbed my arms.

“She got into your apartment during the day?” He said it so loudly I was afraid the customers up front could hear him through the door.

“Yes. That’s why I called you. Do you know someone I can hire to watch over us while we sleep?” I covered his hands. His concern made it clear to me that he still had some work to do before he was totally over what we’d had. And me? Just being this close, looking up into those warm brown eyes so full of caring, made me remember how he always made me feel. Safe, cherished, respected.

“Know someone? As if I’d trust anyone else. And who is us? Blade going to be there?” He let go and stepped back.

“No. Sienna Star. Ray had an accident and she’s now a vampire. I had to turn her to save her life.” I saw his face harden. Okay, so he and Ray weren’t buddies. And having to ask about Jerry hadn’t been easy for him either.

“You’re shittin’ me. An accident? Don’t excuse him, Glory. What an idiot. And now that sweet young thing is stuck as a vampire.” He glanced at the door into the shop. “I thought I smelled her as I came in. You know she’s been at the club, rehearsing, performing. Caine just made that go all to hell, didn’t he?”

“No, he didn’t. Not if I have anything to say about it.” Sienna opened the bathroom door and stepped into the room, proving that men dream of genies because they are hot, hot, hot.

“Sienna.” Rafe finally managed to pull his tongue back into his mouth and speak. “Looking good.” Understatement, if the way his eyes swept up and down her body was any indication.

“Thanks. So can you find us someone to hire? To do the bodyguard gig?” Sienna leaned against my worktable.

I tried not to stare. The costume fit perfectly, if cramming D-cup breasts into a B-cup bra was perfect. Rafe obviously thought so. He couldn’t look away. The sheer harem pants clung low, well below her navel, and I saw that Sienna had a piercing there, a ring with a diamond. It was a nice touch. She’d kept her feet bare, her turquoise polish matching the trim on the gold outfit. The top had sheer long sleeves which helped disguise her blue dots and she must have brought along the concealer because the dots on her chest were barely noticeable.

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