Raze squeezed his eyes shut as his arms wrapped around me, holding me so close, like he was scared I would try to run away.

“Can I have you? I want to have you… I need to have you,” he whispered, his deep voice guttural and rough, tense like a taut rope about to snap.

Letting any lingering worries flee my mind, I threw my arms around his perfectly sculpted shoulders and, brushing my mouth past his ear, whispered, “You can have me, Raze. You can have all of me.”

Raze stilled, long seconds ticking by, but then I felt the slow, wet lick of his tongue along the side of my neck, and he sprang into motion.

His arms released me. Suddenly, my shirt was ripped apart at the seams, the buttons spraying on the ground. Raze’s face was determined, and he was lost in his lust.

My breasts were hard under my bra, aching to be touched. Focusing his brown eyes on my heaving chest, Raze ripped my bra apart, bare breasts exposed, and his mouth immediately latched onto a hard, raised nipple. His tongue furiously licked at my flesh and my eyes rolled back at the sensation. I almost came just at the feel of his hot mouth on my skin.

“Raze…” I murmured, clutching his muscles in my hands, becoming more and more turned on by the rough and scarred skin under my palms.

Untamed and savage growls ripped from Raze’s throat. His hands lowered and spilt apart my pants. The material tearing in two, he threw them to the ground. I stood there only in my string black thong, arms still gripping Raze’s bulking biceps. Raze stepped back and his wide eyes drank me in from head to toe, his cock now so hard it nearly ripped through his boxers. Still transfixed at my exposed breasts, Raze dipped his hand into his boxers and began sliding it up and down his dick in what had to be the best torture on Earth.

“Raze… I need you. Let me have you too,” I moaned as I palmed my breasts, pinching my nipples as I watched this usually controlled man come slowly undone.

Grumbling something I couldn’t make out, Raze wrenched down his boxers, his long, thick cock coming into view. I almost passed out at how strong and wild he appeared, about to take me… or in his words, have me.

“Raze, please,” I begged one more time, and this time something within him snapped. Lurching forward, Raze’s hands went straight to my thong, his legs bent, and he snapped the thin piece of string from my body. I was now totally bare.

His calloused hands smoothed up my thighs, over my hips, my waist, before moving in to cup my breasts. I watched his eyes ignite with need, and I slipped my right hand down his stacked abs and wrapped it around the wide girth of his cock. Raze threw back his head and hissed as his fingers pinched my nipple, and I slowly began to stroke my hand up and down, loving watching him fall apart.

Raze’s left hand slapped against the wall behind me, his hips rocking back and forth with the movement of my hand. His eyes were closed, his mouth gaping; he looked breathtaking, and I found myself begging, “Kiss me.”

Raze abruptly stilled and his eyes snapped open, the smudge of blue seeming to shine like the clearest sea against the dark canvas of the brown.

My eyebrows furrowed at his strange reaction, and he jerked back a few steps, my naked body now feeling cold.

“Raze?” I questioned, and he started pacing the floor before me, his face torn and panicked.

“Raze?” I pushed again, and his eyes slid to mine, then away again. I felt our connection slipping. I had no idea what I’d done.

Feeling a chill settle over my naked skin, I turned to cover my breasts with my hands, when Raze released a pained groan and came at me again, his chest and hips pinning me against the wall and his large palms on my cheeks. His eyes were focused on my lips, and he was panting hard, but my heart fell when I saw nervousness in his eyes.

My hands cupped his cheeks and Raze looked to me. “Raze?” I asked. “Have you ever kissed anyone before?”

A wash of uncertainty and then perhaps embarrassment engulfed his face. “I… I don’t know,” he said quietly. “I don’t remember.”

Tears pricked my eyes. What the hell had happened to him? And where the hell had he come from?

“It’s okay,” I said and began leaning in. Raze stiffening at the action. He was like a statue as my lips hovered just an inch from his, and I whispered, “Can I have you?” My heart beat frantically.

Raze’s shoulders relaxed, and I used the opportunity to press my lips against his. My heart instantly swelled and a sense of souls merging filled me so much it was almost unbearable.

Raze’s hands on my cheeks, at first unmoving, tightened their grip, and his lips slowly began working against mine. That was all it took. One touch, one kiss, and something within him snapped and his mouth possessed mine, his tongue spearing into my mouth, controlling mine.

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