Éha and Deborah flinched as something thudded. They thought they saw something stop in mid-air at the edge of the circle and fall to the ground. This happened several times, until Pran spoke.

‘I would advise against wasting your time this way. This place is no longer Sanctuary. You must leave with me, now, before the enemy arrives. They are not far behind.’

They heard angry hisses coming from the shadows. At last, a voice made itself heard.

‘We were promised refuge here, when all our lands were taken from us! Now you come to tell us that we have nothing? Not even a place to live?’

Another voice said, ‘Elves are liars and murderers! Enemies of the Earth Mother! They are a crime against all living things!’

‘They murdered my entire clan, save three!’

‘They slew my daughter, even as I looked on! She was naught but a child-’

‘I was tortured for trespassing and stealing food, on land that my ancestors and I had occupied since time immemorial-’

The litany of crimes continued unabated, until one clear, strident voice cried out.


Three figures detached themselves from the darkness. One of them bore an object, which was suddenly lifted above the carrier’s head. At once, magenta-tinged amber light burst forth from the object, illuminating all within the clearing with its unearthly glow. Revealed before Pran and the others were Iniiq, Mraan, and Haloch.

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