‘Come,’ Pran urged her on, ‘before this hill turns from a place of Sanctuary into a trap from which there is no escape!’

As they made their way at a run, the late afternoon sky began to darken ominously.

Éha reached the summit in a matter of moments. Circling around, she could find no sign of life in the growing darkness. She noticed the gaping black maws of several caves, but thought nothing of them. She spotted a small clearing on a ledge just below the summit, however, and made her way there, transforming into her large, wingless state as she landed.

‘Hello? Is anyone here?’

Her call echoed ominously off the rock faces, as she looked about nervously. The fading light gave the hill an evil, predatory look.

‘If you’re there, please listen! There is danger coming! All must leave now, before the Sanctuary is surrounded!’

A cold breeze started up, hissing evilly in the trees, catching at her hair and her light dress. Afraid now, she decided to rejoin the others. The growing darkness was oppressive, and felt like the jaws of a trap about to spring. She was about to transform, when she was hit from behind and knocked to the ground. Stunned, retching for breath, she got to her knees. There was no one to be seen! But there were voices. She could hear them whispering, in the dark and in the shadows.

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