‘I saw your army of defenders. They were . . . they appeared as a thin line before a sea-’

Theuli and Malina shared a stricken look.

With some urgency, Satu said apologetically, ‘Elgar says that the enemy will be here within a day. He and his soldiers are at this moment girding for battle, to lend what support they can. But he says that they won’t be able to hold the enemy back for long, and that we are all to leave, together, because there may soon be none left to defend us.’

Diffidently, she added, speaking to Malina, ‘Elgar has told me that . . . he asks that I remain in your care for a time . . .’

Theuli somehow found her voice. ‘We thank you, Satu. As you can see, we are almost ready to depart. I suggest that you help us prepare for our journey. We must be taking whatever provisions we can carry.’

Satu looked to Malina, who nodded, and said, ‘Who has Elgar left to lead in his stead?’

Satu looked baffled. ‘Why, he . . . Elgar told me to come to you and deliver his message. Nothing more.’

Malina met this with a sort of tired surprise, but nodded. ‘As Theuli has just said, your message has not taken us entirely unawares. We will leave as soon as we may. I suspect that Olwynn will lead in Elgar’s stead. We will send him a message that he and the others may meet us in the forest, beyond the falls.’

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