For a moment, she gaped in surprise at the Man’s odd appearance. He wore some arcane device made of metal wire and crystal that hung on his nose and by his ears, the crystal over his eyes so that he peered at her through it. He was probably a powerful Magi, summoned to the aid of the Elves.

‘Sire!’ she blurted, ‘The Goblin army comes! It is too big! Your defenders will be swept away like chaff before a storm!’

The old Man gave her a long, measuring look. Then, quickly reaching a decision, he said, ‘Your leader; I believe his name is Elgar? You must go to him immediately. Tell him that the people, those in both Wel’adai and the second site, are in imminent danger and must be evacuated immediately. I will inform our leaders that we must try to shore up our lines of defence, to give everyone time to escape. Please go now, as quick as you can.’

He turned and began speaking with an elderly Elf, who winked at Satu as she left. It occurred to her that she had seen the old Elf some time before. As she flew off with all speed towards the Circle of Elders, she remembered:

When she was a small child, her mother had caught her several times, playing in the road, and had scolded her for ignoring her warnings about the danger of doing so. One day, as she was playing obliviously, a large wagon came trundling down the road, pulled by a magnificent team of horses. The Elf driving the team of horses spotted her, and brought them to a stop. Copyright 2016 - 2024