‘It has not!’ Suvaii replied hotly. ‘But I have seen the bodies of children murdered by Elf soldiers. I know that these same soldiers now reside in Mirrindale, along with those bloated pigs who paid for their services. Do not dare ask that I forget how those pigs gorged themselves on the fat of the land while their minions put starving children put to the sword! If we win this fight, and those in Mirrindale survive, I will not rest until they are punished!’

Olwynn’s eyes were closed, as though in pain. But he replied quietly, ‘I hear you. This must be discussed with the Elf leaders.’ He opened his eyes and faced Suvaii grimly. ‘You are right in this. They should be tried and punished, if found guilty.’

‘Don’t you mean executed?’ asked Morin coldly.

‘The dead do not learn from their mistakes,’ Olwynn replied tiredly.

Suvaii’s mien blackened in anger at this. ‘Their actions were not mistakes! They were cold, calculated, and ruthless! You use words like right and wrong, but those words are part of a belief that those people do not share in, though they have the cheek to pay lip-service to ideals that have the sound of high-mindedness in one’s ear! Olwynn, I do not say this lightly, but those people have to be exterminated! Every last one of them! This is not about right and wrong. It’s about who survives and who doesn’t. If we should prevail, what is to stop those monsters from beginning the cycle of violence and murder all over again? We must take upon ourselves to deny such people existence!’

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