‘But what you suggest is suicide!’ said Morin. ‘We have an idea of the strength of the King’s army. It is many times that of all those who oppose it.’

‘That may very well be,’ said Olwynn, ‘but it is a small price to pay for the survival of all Faeriekind, if not all Life, everywhere. I remind you that the stakes in this matter are far-reaching, beyond the abilities of even the Wise to fully comprehend. I remind you also that there are innocents that live far beyond the reach of our borders who have never known violence, or war, or the sort of murder and persecution we have been made to suffer. What hope will unknowing Faerie innocents have against such Evil, do you think? That is, unless we act on their behalf, though the deed cost us everything and all. Surely the knowledge that we protect the lives of untold innocents is enough reason for us to expend ourselves!

‘My friends, we have survived our trial by fire. Bereft of the sort of eldritch existence our mothers lived, bereft of a fully efficacious magic, though we still retain vestiges of such, for the most part abandoned by Elven, Human, and Faeriekind, we have not only survived, but we have thriven, and we are strong! Stronger than most of you imagine. And more importantly, stronger than the Elf King or Prince Cir would ever believe in their darkest dreams!

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