‘The Elid-hranin or Black Elves, are yet another story. They went north in search of the meaning of the tale passed down to them by the original Men. After many years, they found what they sought, and what they found was disquieting.’

‘And . . . ?’ Doc asked, as the Thane became lost in thought for a long moment.

‘They found a small ruin,’ the Thane told him. ‘A very ancient ruin, older by far than any previously known. And north of this ruin was found the object, spoken of in their legend.

‘It was . . . it is, a single standing stone, and it is vastly older than the ruin. Legend has it that the first Men came from that stone.

‘But either the words of legend had become distorted with time, or else the original meaning was lost. Whatever the cause, they had at long last found the object of their search, and it was utterly incomprehensible to them.

‘Some believed that if they were still true Men, the meaning would have been self-evident. They became exiles of unhappy circumstance, secluding themselves in the vicinity of this obelisk, trying in vain to decipher its markings. Not surprisingly, they became very bitter. And they did not prosper, as did their kindred.

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