As the defectors set out from Mirrindale, they passed the ranks of the mercenary army, who lined the street on either side. Not a word of condemnation nor protest was spoken, and when the travellers had left the city, the gates were closed quietly behind them and barred, the drawbridge raised.

It was an odd feeling for many, what with the drawbridge of Mirrindale raised behind them like the closing of a book after the last chapter has been read. It was with mixed feelings of freedom and trepidation that they left that mountain stronghold; though Mirrindale’s very resilience was a product of ugly compromise, upon the open road such compromise seemed in many ways preferable to facing the King’s wrath in such an exposed manner.

The Thane led, with Doc and Finli close behind him. In their wake, the city soldiers merged with the newly returned army, followed by the families, wounded, and supplies on wains.

Two days later, as they neared Narvi, they began to see signs of the aftermath of battle. Black smoke still rose from many fires. Many of these were what was left of the buildings, but just as many were pyres heaped with dead, Elf and Goblin alike. The stench of burning flesh alone was more than many could bear, and many bodies, only partially burned, were plainly visible. When they reached the town proper, there was nothing left to show that it had once been a thriving marketplace. Only the stone bridges remained, looking for all the world like the exposed ribs of a ravaged corpse. Copyright 2016 - 2024