Unlike Pran and Theuli’s former home, this house was divided into rooms, affording its inhabitants a sense of much-needed privacy. Her explorations soon took her to the living-room and kitchen, which, though very much like those of the home they had left, bespoke of several noticeable improvements. The kitchen was larger and more conveniently laid out, as was the living-room, which had four entrances; one to the hall on the left side, one to the kitchen at the rear, one at the front which led indirectly outside by means of a wide cloakroom, and the last at the right, which led to a large utility shed built on to the side of the house. This last was full of firewood, foodstuffs, implements, woodworking equipment, a raised washtub complete with hand pump and washing-board, indoor clotheslines, and a weapons locker.

The kitchen (at Theuli’s express decree) now had a door which led to a pantry which was attached to the rear of the house, a double sink in the kitchen, another in the pantry, an enormous stove which Ralph, Pran, and several additional pairs of strong hands had moved and installed with much difficulty (and, the truth be known, not a little barely-suppressed cursing), and an enormous glazed ceramic water tank mounted on a cast-iron stand, which stood in one corner like a gaily coloured hot-air balloon. This odd-looking leviathan was filled by means of a hand pump fitted with a pipe which drained into the top of the tank. Its sole purpose was to supply large volumes of water more quickly at need, through means of a tap set into the bottom, which, when opened, poured the tank’s contents into a large iron cauldron, itself being conveniently placed upon a rack which was built into the supporting stand, beneath.

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