‘That doesn’t tell me anything,’ Doc reminded him.

Pran was silent for several long moments, apparently considering his own reticence. Finally, he said slowly, ‘In some ways it would be better for me to say nothing, and for you to find out for yourselves what is happening in the Elf Kingdom. That way you will form your own opinions, which you will do regardless, despite whatever words I deem fit to say to you regarding the matter.

‘You must understand that until recently I was a soldier in the King’s Own Fourth Cavalry. I know only those things that a soldier knows. I have heard much conjecture, and the conjecture centring on those who lead us is that they are corrupt and disorganized, that this is so supposedly because the King has become capricious and erratic, vacillating between ignoring his office altogether, or sending forth his minions on some insane and often murderous venture. But I would remind you that conjecture is not certain, first-hand knowledge.

‘I know not how it is in your world, but the workings of State here are known only to those few who participate in the affairs of State. There is the King who rules from his city of Valerian, the King’s son, Prince Cir, who governs the city of Nith, at least in name, and the Thane who governs Mirrindale, and who also oversees the town of Narvi. To truly understand what is going on in the Elf Kingdom, or to have an idea of what is to come, you would have to stand in their shoes.

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