‘May I ride with you awhile?’

As she was already doing so, Ralph said, ‘What happened to your wings?’

She smiled. ‘I have no use for them in this form! Has Malina taught you nothing?’

Answering thoughtfully, Ralph replied, ‘There are some things she never talks about.’

Éha’s smile faded. Looking about nervously, she said, ‘The others tell me always that I am too trusting with strangers. But you don’t look as though you’d hurt me.’ Looking almost afraid, she said timidly, ‘Would you?’

Trying not to laugh, Ralph replied, ‘Of course not. Why would I?’

She looked a bit lost, but continued. ‘Malina used to look after me. I got both of us into trouble several times.’

Speaking to her in the Pixie tongue, Ralph said, ‘Who is looking after you now? You seem a little young to be out on your own. Why don’t you visit us, once we’re more or less settled. I think there is much that Malina could share with you.’

Éha was too surprised to answer at first. ‘The others were right! I am naïve. You know all about us already. You must think me a silly child.’

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