‘None of this would have happened were it not for this . . . Man!’ Durus said, referring to Ralph, getting herself worked up in corrupt anger. ‘He toyed with our daughter’s affections- now look what he’s done to her! She won’t come home! You know why? Because she’s ashamed to, that’s why! If I didn’t know better, I’d say that he’s managed to compromise her. All because of that filthy Faerie vermin . . . that-’ she uttered an obscenity, leaned across in front of Arlon, and spat on the ground at their feet.

Arlon sat stock still, jaw muscles bunching, his face crimson with humiliation.

Ralph waited for Pran to say or do something. Instead, the former Elf soldier stared at the woman in stony silence until she at last became silent and looked away. As he turned to go, he acknowledged Arlon’s look of apology with a tired nod.

Making their way back to Pran’s wagon, taking their time, Ralph said, ‘There is a grain of truth in what she says-’

‘There always is,’ Pran told him.

‘-but its not like I led her on or anything . . . she, Nevana, just kind of threw herself at me. I just didn’t handle things very well-’

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