‘Something is out there!’

At the same time, they heard a noise from the wagon, and with a feeling of cold dread, knew what that something was. Almost immediately, Theuli’s head appeared at the back of the wagon.

‘Ralph! I need you in here! Right now! I need you to hold her down! Pran- no, don’t bother coming in here- we need . . . get Birin! She needs help- get a Healer-!’

Pran had already left at a run, but not before telling Zuic to stay close to the wagon, and to throw the remaining wood onto the fire.

Ralph had never experienced the sort of sickening fear that he felt at that moment. Even in her delirium, Deborah was surprisingly strong, but it was clear that she was in serious trouble. Her eyes, though half-open, were rolled back in their sockets; she was writhing, head tossing from side to side, desperately fighting for every last breath.

In the dim yellow light of the single lantern, he was aware of Malina and Rani, who looked on helplessly, holding each other, their features suffused. Theuli worked frantically, stripping off Deborah’s clothes, giving her a sponge bath with ice-cold water in an effort to bring her fever down. Outside, he could hear a babel of voices, and recognised those of Pran, Birin, and some of the Healers.

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