Shifting to a more comfortable position in the straw, drawing a warm fur over Deborah’s sleeping form, Theuli considered the high mountains and surrounding countryside. ‘I am no seer. And I am no Healer. Doc said that she would recover, given time and rest. But my heart tells me it is her spirit more than her body which needs healing. And,’ she admitted, ‘the slowness of her recovery concerns me.’

Malina found herself looking on as Zuic did small, silly things to make Rani laugh. Rani couldn’t resist making a face in response. For some reason, Malina found that seeing their play saddened her, and in some way served to remind her that those carefree days spent in the fields and streams of her youth were now gone, forever. A great emptiness seemed to open inside her, an almost physically painful gulf of need. She looked about, hoping at least for a glance of Rowf, wishing he were somewhere near . . . but there was only the passing countryside, the ponderous passage of laden oxcarts, and a host of strangers on foot and on horse.

In an attempt to push such feelings aside, she said, ‘I have never travelled this way.’

‘I have somewhat,’ Theuli replied. ‘In perhaps two days time we will near the border of the Elf Kingdom. Beyond that, my knowledge fails.’ She considered Malina closely. ‘You are so much changed. Perhaps the other Pixies, assuming we meet any, will not recognize you for what you are.’ Copyright 2016 - 2024