‘Not at all,’ Ralph replied. Then, reconsidering, ‘Well . . . not directly.’

Theuli’s look told them plainly that, depending on the question, she might or might not answer. ‘All right. Out with it.’

‘Malina,’ Ralph told her, ‘knows what it means to “consummate” a relationship. I just want her to hear, from you, at what stage of a relationship the act of consummation occurs.’

Looking bemused, considering the young Pixie woman in a way that made her blush, Theuli replied, ‘Malina, you’re supposed to be married first. I realize that Pixies have no such social rite, though if the two of you wish to wed, that is your affair-’

‘What Malina needs to know,’ Ralph inturrupted, ‘is why a girl would try to coerce the act of consummation before she is married.’

‘Ah, this is really about Nevana,’ Theuli said in comprehension, her look not altogether kind. ‘Ralph, would you leave us for a short while?’

He did so, his feelings a mixture of curiosity and relief.

He was sitting at Deborah’s bedside when Malina rejoined him, her visage thoughtful. As they left the infirmary, on the far side, curtains parted wide, lay Arlon, Durus and Nevana with him. Nevana averted her gaze and sat with her head bowed, but Durus watched Ralph and Malina leave together, her expression stony. When they reached the foyer, two nurses, who were standing, talking together, spotted Malina, and approached her, their faces angry, but stopped short when they noticed that she was accompanied by Ralph.

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