‘Are you a nurse?’

Noting the Elf woman’s incomprehension, Deborah realised that she was speaking English. Switching to the Elf tongue, she said, ‘What is this place? Can you tell me if an Elf-woman named Theuli was brought here, or if anything has happened to my companions?’

For some reason, the Elf-woman’s features seemed indistinct, though friendly enough. Deborah found that her eyes ached when she tried to focus.

‘Don’t try to move,’ The Elf-woman drew off Deborah’s covers, much to her embarrassment, and began giving her a sponge-bath. As the nurse worked, she said, ‘Yes, I am a nurse, and this is a house of healing. Your friends are all well. Theuli sleeps in the next room and the two children are with her husband.’

Deborah began to feel an uncomfortable tugging at her leg, and realised the nurse was changing her dressing.

‘I am sorry. Did that cause you pain?’

Deborah could only grit her teeth and make a small grunt of assent.

Once done, as the nurse began changing her sheets, Deborah noticed an unpleasant stickiness. ‘Please lift yourself up at bit, Miss. Your monthly has begun; I’m afraid you’re stuck to the sheets.’

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