Though terrified beyond words, she lifted her chin defiantly. ‘While in the world of my friends, I learned to read and write-’

There was an outburst from the gallery at this, forcing her to pause.

‘-an act punishable by death in our world,’ she continued, for the first time looking those in the gallery in the eye, amazed at her own audacity. ‘It is an odd thing, when you think about it; that Pixies are considered incapable of learning their letters, yet are put to death if they are caught trying to learn.

‘We of Faeriekind are not a people bound by title and written laws. That is your way, but it is not ours. Sovereignty to my people means personal freedom; to your people it refers to the supreme authority of those people you refer to as Sovereigns, your King and Prince Cir.

‘As Emissary, there is little I can do but try to keep the truth in the open, for all to see. Beyond that, all I can do is ask Elvenkind to respect our sovereignty, both as a people, and as individuals.’ Turning to the Thane, she said, simply, ‘That is all I have to say.’

To Ralph and Doc’s surprise, several people in the gallery began banging flat discs of hardwood against a raised area on the desks before them, which were obviously set there for this purpose. The flat discs, they noticed as the objects were replaced, were held in place by a vertical wooden slot on the side of each desk. Copyright 2016 - 2024