‘That same evening, as we made ourselves ready for yet another sleepless vigil, there was a sound at our back door. To our astonishment and joy, it was Rani. She told us that someone had found her, several miles from our home, alone and lost and frightened. That same person gave her food, shelter, and comfort, and guided our daughter home, leaving before we could thank her. I knew from Rani’s description that the person in question was Malina.’

Malina was staring at him, open-mouthed. She had not known that Pran knew this about her, and had kept the incident secret, fearing that she would be blamed for luring the child away.

In a lower voice, he said, ‘How could she return here, under threat of death from our Sovereigns, to aid her people; and why would she risk coming here having relinquished her Power, unless motivated by powerful and higher urges, such as loyalty, responsibility, and,’ he said this last, looking at Ralph, who, caught off guard, was left pondering Pran’s words, specifically this last one- ‘fidelity?

‘How can any of you think to judge another’s loyalty, when most of you have been turning a blind eye to the senseless cruelty and brutality of our Sovereigns, some of you even aiding and abetting their schemes?’

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