Ralph nodded to the wagon. Deborah and Theuli were hidden from view by the sideboards, but Pran was clearly visible, kneeling over his wife. ‘Has she told him, and Zuic? About what happened?’

Doc gestured to Ralph to walk with him towards the cooking area. Moving at a slow walk, Doc said, ‘Pran has heard. But Zuic hasn’t yet. And he won’t until we get to Mirrindale, where he can be given Pran and Theuli’s undivided attention. Now let’s get some breakfast for the injured, and then for Pran and ourselves. I’ve been told that the sooner we head out the better, that if we head out later, the roads are going to be clogged with traffic. They tell me there’s a hospital of some sort in Mirrindale.’ Doc didn’t say so, but Ralph could tell that the old man’s concern for Deborah would hopefully be dealt with in Mirrindale.

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