That’s when Jack looks over his shoulder and sees me there. Our eyes meet and the side of his mouth quirks into a smirky grin.

“Savannah, hey. This is my friend Kelsey,” he says, and I shake hands with the girl. “Savannah’s living at my farm now.”

“Can we get chips and salsa?” she asks, turning away from me.

“Sure.” Jack seems startled that Kelsey just snubbed me, but I’m not. She clearly wants to jump him. Or already jumps him. Or something.

“You want to sit with us, Savannah?” Jack asks.

“Yeah, we do,” Rory rushes to reply. His eyes flick over to Vanessa.

After I get my order, I join Jack, Kelsey, Vanessa, and Colton at a circular booth in the corner. Curious, I watch them out of the corner of my eye. Kelsey taps on her cell phone as her friends dig in. Between texts, she feeds chips to Jack, giggling like crazy. He eats the chips she feed him because his stomach is clearly doing the thinking—just like with 99 percent of all guys. But he glances at me as he chews.

“Oh my God, this rice is so good,” Vanessa says, shoveling it into her mouth.

“I think it’s ’cause they cooked it in straight-up butter,” Jack says, practically inhaling his rice.

“I wish they served this stuff at Starbucks,” Vanessa says.

“You only love three things in this world.” Colton ticks them off on his fingers. “Starbucks, clothes, and meeting guys at Starbucks.”

“That is so not true,” she replies, throwing a tortilla chip at Colton’s face. The chip sticks to his black T-shirt. He plucks it off and eats it.

Rory slides into my booth with his tray. “You guys are so rude. I can’t believe you started eating before I was seated.”

“That’s what you get for being a perv, Whitfield,” Vanessa says, sucking her drink through her straw. She shakes her cup. “I’m already out of iced tea.”

“Maybe if you didn’t drink like a horse,” Rory says.

Vanessa rattles her cup again, trying to get more tea out.

“Let me get you more to drink. I won’t be able to eat in peace if I don’t,” Rory says, leaping to his feet and snatching the cup out of her hand. He jogs over to the beverage station to get a refill. He comes back and passes Vanessa her tea. She takes one sip and nearly gags.

“This is warm. Where’s the ice?” she asks.

“Oh, well I don’t like ice, so I didn’t get you any.”

“But it’s iced tea!” she says. “It tastes crappy when it’s warm.”

“Oh.” Rory looks down at the cup. “Maybe you should put some ice in it then.”

I silently laugh and Vanessa throws a tortilla chip at him, looking furious, but then it turns into a subtle smile.

“So,” Jack says to me. “Tell me about yourself. What else do you like besides riding—”

I’m about to start talking when Kelsey starts bragging about the college party she went to last night. “It was an underwear party and everybody danced around in foam and we sprayed silly string everywhere.”

Jack bites into his taco, looking perturbed at Kelsey.

Rory mouths “silly string,” and his eyes light up. He digs the scrap of paper out of his pocket again and jots down underwear and silly string.

“Tell me about that girl from last night on your Instagram pictures,” Colton says to Kelsey. “The one from the sorority you want to rush next year.”

“She said she’s going to study abroad this spring,” Kelsey says.

“Never mind. Long-distance relationships are hard,” Colton replies. “I couldn’t handle dating that girl Ellen I met in Murfreesboro.”

Jack rolls his eyes. “That’s only thirty minutes from here.”

“Yeah.” Colton purses his lips and shakes his head. “She was just too far away. I can watch a whole episode of I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant in that amount of time.”

Because they’ve both been drinking like horses, Rory and Vanessa stand to go refill their cups at the same time. Rory purposely pushes a lever on the Coke machine, making orange soda spray on her hand.

“You ass!” She pushes on the ice button, grabs a cube of ice, and drops it inside his T-shirt. He jumps and wiggles around like an eel.

“He’ll never get her into bed now,” Colton muses, laughing.

Considering she’s popular and wealthy, I don’t think Rory will ever get her into bed even if he does behave like a perfect gentleman.

After dinner at the perverted taco place, we drive out to a huge field where a large bonfire is already blazing. Tiki torches are everywhere. I feel like I’m on that show Survivor, only instead of surviving on a deserted island, I have to survive a couple of hours with people I’ve never met before.

Trucks and four-wheelers are parked on the muddy grass. My heart speeds up as I scan the large group of kids, drinking, dancing, laughing, jumping around.

The second I hop down from Rory’s truck, people from my new school are already staring at me. With a firm grasp on Ava’s leash, Rory glides through the crowd, laughing and grinning at everybody. He seems like the All-American Guy, one of those people everyone wants to be friends with. When I get separated from him in the crowd, Rory reaches back through a cluster of people and grabs my arm, pulling me closer to him.

That gets the attention of the girls. And unlike the guys smiling and pointing me out to their friends, the girls are giving me Ultimate Stink Eye.

“Be careful tonight,” Rory says quietly. He scans my tank top and skinny jeans.

We go get beers from the keg. Vanessa is silently drinking from a plastic cup. Some girl speeds over to Rory and jumps into his arms, squealing and hugging him.

I want to say something to Vanessa, but the second I open my mouth, I lose my nerve and take a sip of beer. I’ve never been all that good at making girlfriends, considering I grew up around horses and boys and more horses. Vanessa catches me gawking at her and moves closer.

“Where are you from?”

“West Virginia.”

“Never been there.”

“You aren’t missing much. The only difference near as I can tell is that people here refer to all soft drinks as ‘Coke.’ Even if it’s Sprite, you call it Coke. We refer to it as soda up north.”

She laughs, looking around. “You aren’t missing much here either. This party’s pretty lame.”

“Where’d your friends Colton and Kelsey go?”

“Colton went home already ’cause he was tired. He loves sleeping. And Kelsey’s over there.” Vanessa nods toward the edge of the circle where Kelsey is sitting on a log next to Jack, talking animatedly with her hands. He’s roasting a marshmallow.

“Are they together?” I ask.

“Not yet…but I think she wants to try the whole relationship thing with him, even though he rarely dates seriously. He’s too into his work. They’ve been friends a long time but they’ve never been single at the same time before…so it might work out. I dunno.”

Is Jack about to be taken? That’s not surprising. Still, a weird feeling of disappointment settles inside my chest. I ignore it.

That’s when a beefy guy wearing a wrestling T-shirt comes over. “I’m Brent,” he slurs in my ear.

“Oh yeah?” His hot beer breath on my skin makes me shiver—and not in the good way.

The guy cups my elbow. “Want to get out of here, new girl?”

“No, thanks.”

“But you’re hot.” He spills beer on my boot. I give Vanessa a look that says “is this guy smoking something?” and she rolls her eyes.

“Get lost, Brent,” she says, sipping from her cup.

“You got a boyfriend?” Brent clamps his hand on my arm.

I want a boyfriend—I really do, but I want somebody who likes me for me, not because I’m the new girl. I can’t think of a good word to describe how this Brent guy makes me feel. Resentful? Flattered and angry? Flangry.

“Let go,” I say, yanking my arm away from this drunk King Kong.

“Is there a problem here?” a low, rough voice says. Jack gently pulls me away from Brent, loosely wrapping an arm around me. “We’re good here,” Jack says pointedly, and Brent skedaddles toward the trucks. So much for Mr. Macho Wrestling T-shirt.

Jack touches my wrist, and the sensation of his skin on mine sends shivers up my arm. In the good way. Our eyes meet.

I pull a purple sucker out of my pocket and pop it in my mouth. I’m pissed at myself for being attracted to a rich boy. I turn to focus on anything else but him.

Great. Now everyone at this party is looking at me. Way to make a good impression before school starts, Savannah.

“You okay now?” Jack asks me quietly. When I nod, he pats my shoulder and rejoins Kelsey over on their log. She grabs his hand and threads her fingers between his, but he keeps staring at me. His gaze makes me nervous.

What if Jack had gotten into a fight with that stupid Brent kid and Brent punched him out? What if Mr. Goodwin had blamed me? What if Mr. Goodwin fires my dad before we even unpack our winter clothes?

With a new baby on the way, we can’t afford to lose the free housing. Plus, this job is the biggest thing that’s ever happened to my father. He’s proud of it, and I want to help him succeed at Cedar Hill.

I resolve not to cause Jack Goodwin any problems from now on.

Rory reappears, drops a hand on my shoulder, and smiles at Vanessa. “Ladies, I have a surprise. Come with me.” He ushers us down to the pond at the end of the big field. Ava barks happily and runs in circles.

“What’s the surprise?” I ask, bouncing on my toes.

Rory grins then pulls up his shirt, revealing a muscular back and torso.

“The surprise is you’re doing a striptease?” I ask. Vanessa glances at Rory’s body. Then she does a double take before taking another sip of beer.

Two boxes are sticking out of his jeans. Sparklers! I squeal and run toward him. Smiling, he gives me a sparkler and pulls a lighter from his pocket. He lights it and I twirl in a circle, sucking on my purple sucker, watching my sparkler spit out green and red sparkly goodness, relishing the smell of summer on the air.

“Can I have one?” Vanessa asks. Rory stares at her for a sec before whipping a sparkler out of the box and lighting it for her.

“I’m a witch!” she yells, laughing, pretending her sparkler is a wand.

“Witches are sexy,” Rory mumbles to me, not taking his eyes off Vanessa.

While we play with our sparklers, Rory starts launching bottle rockets. I love fireworks. You never know what’s going to happen when they explode in the dark sky. Will it be a giant burst of light or just a dud? Will sparks rain down like glitter?

Jack touching me just now was like fireworks exploding right in my face. It was so, so dangerous.

But the colors were so real.

At the Races

Today I find out if I got the exercise boy job.

But first I have to ride a horse that doesn’t like being ridden. A horse that bucks all his riders. Sure, I had luck with him when he escaped yesterday, but can I strike the jackpot twice? Copyright 2016 - 2024