It didn’t take much urging, because when she came, he was right there with her, arching his back as he let go. It was the most beautiful thing to see his muscles tighten as he came, to see his body shudder along with hers as they rode out their orgasms together.

He bent and took her mouth in a sweet, gentling kiss before nuzzling at her neck.

“I forgot to time us,” he said.

She let out a soft laugh. “Trust me. The clock was the last thing I was focused on.”

They did a quick cleanup. She brushed her hair again, then they were on their way back to the main house. Grant held her hand in the car the entire way, and she couldn’t resist the more than satisfied smile on her face.

“You keep smiling like that, my entire family is going to know what we did back at the house.”

“Do you care?” she asked.

His lips curved in a wicked grin. “Not at all.”


IT WAS GOING TO BE ONE HELL OF A GREAT PARTY tonight. Grant hadn’t seen his uncles and aunts in a while, and his parents had a lot of friends. Not everyone would make it, since the party was on a weeknight, but Easton Cassidy was a popular guy, and if there was a celebration, Grant would guarantee that a lot of people would be here.

Uncle Elijah had made it back just in time for the get-together. Grant saw him as they came through the front door.

“Hey, kid,” his uncle said. “I heard you were here.”

His uncle pulled him into a hug.

“Uncle Elijah. You look good.”

“Eh. I look older all the time. And this pretty woman must be Katrina. I’m Elijah Cassidy. The good-looking Cassidy.”

Katrina smiled. “Very nice to meet you.”

“I already met your brother and sister. Everyone’s in the kitchen, bugging Lydia.”

Grant knew no one bugged his mother. The bigger the crowd, the happier she was.

Lydia was in the kitchen directing traffic.

“I need those wineglasses put on the bar in the dining room. And those cases of wine set out.”

“Where’ve you been?” Grant asked his uncle as they carried the wine out and set it up behind the bar.

“Had a line on some horses we were interested in picking up, so I took a trip into Oklahoma for an auction.”


“Picked up about four of them.”

“I’d like to see them.”

“Sure. Soon as we’re finished here, we’ll head on out to the horse barn and take a look.”

“Are Uncle Eddie and Uncle Elgin coming?”

“Eddie will be here,” his dad said. “Elgin and Patsy are in Italy on vacation, so they won’t be able to make it.”

“I’m supremely jealous of their vacation, too,” his mom said, eyeing his dad.

“Europe’s not really my thing, honey, but if you wanna go, just make the plans and I’ll tag along.”

His mom pointed her finger at his dad. “I’m holding you to that, Easton.”

Once the glasses and wine setup was finished, they were all shuffled into the living room.

“It’s time for everyone to relax.” His mom turned to head back into the kitchen.

“No, Mom,” Mia said. “It’s time for you to relax. No fixing food or spending your evening in the kitchen.”

Mom laughed. “Please. I have a ton of food to prepare for tonight.”

“Actually, you don’t,” Mia said. “All of us got together and arranged for tonight’s dinner to be catered. The caterers will be arriving shortly.”

Grant couldn’t help but smile when his mom teared up and laid her hand over her heart. “Really?”

“Really. So we’re going to open some wine and you’re going to let someone else work tonight. Tonight’s the night you get to have time with Dad. Happy anniversary.”

She hugged them all individually, and when she got to him, whispered, “Thank you for this.”

He gave her a little squeeze, and said, “You deserve it. Now have some fun and enjoy your guests.”

He liked seeing his mom so happy, especially with a glass of wine in her hand, leaning into his dad.

He’d been lucky—damn lucky—to have grown up with a family he could always count on. As they all raised their glasses and toasted not only Dad’s birthday, but his parents’ anniversary, he glanced over at Katrina. She looked genuinely happy for his parents, but he wondered if she was thinking about her own parents.

A mother who was gone too soon, and a father who’d abandoned her and her siblings. That had to eat away at her. He went over to her and put his arm around her. Copyright 2016 - 2024