He called her on his way over and she was waiting outside as they’d arranged. Her hair was down and she wore a sundress that showed off miles of gorgeous leg, and he was struck again by how beautiful she was. She was leaning against the valet desk, casually smiling and chatting with some dark-haired kid who couldn’t be more than eighteen or nineteen.

The kid was obviously trying not to swallow his tongue as Katrina tucked her hair behind her ear. It was a simple gesture, yet the kid’s gaze tracked the movement like it was the most fascinating thing he’d ever seen in his young life.

Grant understood the appeal. Everything about Katrina was pretty damn riveting, and she did have an ear he’d like to tug on with his teeth.

He got out of the car and waved off the valet, no doubt crushing the kid’s dreams.

Too bad. He could go get his own girl. This one was his date for the night.

Katrina turned when Grant approached.

“Sorry. I was talking to Gregori here. He and his family emigrated from Russia just two years ago. I was practicing my very rusty Russian on him. Thank you again, Gregori. And best of luck to you in college.”

Gregori nodded, and Grant watched the kid swallow nervously, smile, and walk away.

Poor kid. He might not ever recover from meeting Katrina. Then again, it might be something he remembered forever. Grant gave the kid a wink and a smile.

From the same country or not, the kid was still ogling the hell out of her.

He led Katrina to his car, opened the door and waited for her to slide in.

He put the car into gear and pulled away, onto the street, heading onto the highway.

Katrina was quiet, looking out the window, so he told her a little about the city.

“You’re not from here,” she said.

“No. My family’s from Texas. My parents have a ranch there. I grew up in Green Bay, where my dad played football. In the off-season we lived on the ranch.”

“I see. But you live here, right?”

“Yeah. When I signed with St. Louis during my rookie year, I fell in love with this city. I bought my house the year I made the team.”

She pulled her gaze from the window. “How long ago was that?”

“Six years ago.”

She nodded. “From what I’ve seen, it’s a very nice city. A lot of space here.”

“I’ll show you around this week.”

“That’s not necessary. I’m sure you’re very busy.”

His lips curved. “But I want to. This is where I live, Katrina. I want you to see it.”

“Oh, of course. Then thank you.”

He wasn’t certain her hesitation was just politeness. He should find out before he took this any further.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

Her gaze snapped to his. “No.”


“Why would you ask that question? I wouldn’t be seeing you if I did. I wouldn’t kiss you if I did. I would never—”

“Calm down, Kat. I only asked the question because you’re always so reluctant to spend any time with me. And I know it’s not because you don’t like me.”

She let out a laugh. “Of course. Because what woman wouldn’t like you? You being so irresistible and all.”

He shot her a grin. “I know, right?”

“No problem with your ego, is there?”

“None that I’m aware of.”

He pulled off the highway and drove several blocks toward his neighborhood.

“This is a very nice area,” she said. “I love the seclusion of it, and all the trees.”

He pulled onto his street. “There was something about this area I liked a lot when I was out looking at houses to buy,” he said. “There were a lot of families in the neighborhood. Plus there’s a park and a lake and it’s in a very good school district. And then when I saw the house, I knew I had to have it.”

When he pulled up into the driveway and parked, she turned to him. “You talk about kids and stuff. Is there something I should know?”


“Like maybe an ex-wife and some kids you haven’t told me about?”

He laughed and unbuckled his seat belt. “No. Just thinking about the future. I don’t intend to house hop. I figured at some point I’ll get married and have some kids. This seems like a good place to do that.”

Katrina gaped at the house, the big front yard and the impressive neighborhood. Living in Manhattan, space was always at a premium. She loved her apartment, and it was spacious by New York City standards, but this was spectacular.

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