“Oh, I can get us a tour,” Grant said pulling tickets from his shirt pocket. “I took a guess that maybe everyone would want to go there today.”

Leo cracked a smile. “Score.”

“Like always.” Grant grinned.

Katrina shook her head.

“What?” he asked.


He could tell she was irritated, but had no idea why. He aimed to change her mood.

Today was going to be a fun time for all of them.


KATRINA HAD GONE INTO THIS WHOLE DAY RELUCTANTLY, and mainly because Leo and Anya were excited about doing the tourist thing. But after spending hours touring the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, then moving on to the Empire State Building, and seeing the sparkle of excitement on their faces, she finally admitted defeat.

There was a magic quality about Grant Cassidy that she obviously did not possess, because while Leo and Anya were mesmerized by him, they pretty much wanted nothing to do with her. He brought out the fun in her siblings, got them to laugh and relax, and she was clearly unable to do that. With her, they were sullen and bitchy and rebellious. With him, they said yes to everything he suggested, no matter what it was.

She chalked it up to the “new” factor, and also because they liked being contrary. If she disliked something, they were bound and determined to love it.


“I’ve always wanted to get a hot dog from one of these corner vendors. What do you think?” Grant asked as they strolled near Central Park.

This was where her finicky brother and sister would draw the line. This was where they’d dig in their heels and say no, especially Anya, who prided herself on her culinary skill and wouldn’t be caught dead eating food from one of those vendors.

“Sounds great,” Anya said, and got in line behind Grant and Leo.

Katrina blinked. That was it. Her brother and sister had been kidnapped by aliens, and these two currently slathering mustard on their hot dogs were clones. Or robots. Or something.

“You do realize you’re eating a hot dog,” she said to Anya.

Anya took a bite, then spoke with her mouth full. “Yeah. So?”

“You don’t even like hot dogs.”

“Today I do.”

Her sister gave her a mouth-filled grin.

“Whatever.” Katrina wasn’t going to even try to figure out these kids today. They were obviously in worship mode or something.

“Hot dog?” Grant asked.

She grimaced.

“Oh, come on, Kat, one won’t kill you.” Leo pushed into her.

“Fine. I’ll have a hot dog. With mustard, please.”

Grant took his loaded with relish and onions. She made another face. “Are you sure about that?”

“Hell yeah.” He bit into it and groaned like he was having some kind of mouthwatering steak.

She didn’t get the appeal since it was a basic horrible hot dog, but she took hers and ate it.

It was fine. Mediocre, but at least it was edible.

They sat on park benches and ate. Katrina tried not to think about what was in the hot dog. Anything but actual meat, she suspected. She washed it down with a bottle of water and listened to Grant talk to Leo about sports while pretending not to listen as she checked her e-mail.

“Tell me about lacrosse.”

He shrugged. “It’s okay. I don’t really like it.” He leaned forward to take a peek at her. Now she tried really hard to pretend she wasn’t listening. She scrolled through her e-mails, but she wasn’t focusing on them.

“Why don’t you like it?”

“I mean it’s competitive and all, but it’s just not a sport I enjoy.”

“What sports do you enjoy?”

“I like football, but like I told you earlier, I need to add some muscle.”

Grant nodded. “Do you lift weights?”

“I’ve been spending some time in the weight room at school and at the condo. I could use a trainer, though, because I’m not sure if I’m doing it right.”

“I could help you with that. And you could get a personal trainer to help you add muscle in the right areas. You’re fifteen, right?”

“Yeah. I’ll be sixteen in a few months.”

“What position are you interested in?”

“Wide receiver.”

“Okay, so you need some muscle in your legs for sure. Are you fast?”


He laughed. “You know I’m going to want to test you on that. Do you have a running track at the condo?”

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