She couldn’t recall ever having more fun. That was the one thing she’d discovered quickly about the Cassidys. They knew how to have fun, no matter what they were doing.

Lydia announced it was time for everyone to get out. They had to wash down the back patio and clean up to get ready for tonight’s party. She and Grant headed back to their house to shower so they could be back to help with the party preparations.

Katrina followed Grant into the bathroom.

“You have a few cuts and scrapes on your back,” she said as he pulled off his shirt.

“Do I? I didn’t even feel those.”

She’d noticed the scars on his body when they got naked the first time. But now, after seeing him play close-up, she ran her fingertips over each one of them. There was one on his right shoulder blade, one on his left arm—a pretty long one.

“What’s this from?”

“I fell off a set of rocks when I was nine. Broke my arm and cut myself pretty good. Had to get fifteen stitches.”

He was smiling.


He shrugged. “It was a clean break and healed good. My friends thought I was a badass.”

She shook her head. “I wonder how many times your mother had to visit the emergency room with you and your brothers.”

“Too many times for me to remember. One of us was always leaping off something, falling off something, or running into something. One time during Halloween, some girl whacked Barrett on the back of the head on the way home from trick-or-treating for making some smartass comment to her. He ended up with four stitches just for that. Pretty embarrassing for him to get the shit beat out of him by a girl.”

Katrina’s lips lifted. “I can only imagine the hellions you all were.”

He cocked a brow. “Were?”

She laughed. “Come on. Let’s get in the shower.”

They took quick showers. Katrina insisted on cleaning up Grant’s scrapes, even though he told her they were minor in comparison to what he usually got playing football games every week.

“Yes, but you don’t play games in the dirt every week, do you?”

“You don’t need to baby me,” he said, watching her in the mirror as she cleaned his wounds. “I’m tougher than you think.”

“I know that. Humor me, anyway.”

He did. Then she dried her hair, put on makeup, and changed into a sundress and sandals.

“Do I look okay?” she asked as Grant put on a pair of shorts and a sleeveless top.

He came over to her and put his hands around her waist. “You’re beautiful. I don’t know if I tell you that enough, but every time I look into your eyes I’m mesmerized by you. I always want to stop whatever I’m doing so I can kiss you and lose myself in you.”

The way he spoke to her made her heart squeeze. What kind of man talked like that? None that she’d ever known. “Thank you. And you know what? The feeling is mutual.” She smoothed her hands up his arms, wishing they had a spare hour or so to take off all these clothes and explore each other.

“If you keep looking at me like that, we’re going to be late. Then Mom is going to call asking me what we’re doing. And I’d have to lie to her and tell her you’re taking a nap or something.” He pulled her closer, letting her feel his erection.

She took a deep breath, desire wrapping around her like the heat of the day. “We can’t have you lying to your mother, so we should stop this now.”

He let his hands slide down her back to cup her butt. “Yeah. One of us should have enough willpower to walk away.”

She arched into him. “Okay. You go first.”

His gaze narrowed. “Katrina.”

“Grant.” Her nails dug into his arms.

“I can make you come in less than five minutes.”

“I want you so much, I’m pretty sure I could come in less than two minutes.”

“You’re on.”

He scooped her up and stalked the few steps to the bed, then laid her down on the edge. He had her panties off in record time. When he spread her legs and put his mouth on her, she was already throbbing, lifting to get closer to his lips and tongue and the magic he did with them. Watching him today, but not being able to have access to him, to touch him at will, had been an exercise in torture.

That had been her foreplay.

Now was her reward, and she was so ready for this release that when it happened, she cried out with the pure, unadulterated joy of feeling his tongue lap over her sex. She quivered as her climax raced through her, and barely had time to come down from the high before Grant had his cock out, a condom on, and was thrusting inside of her.

She gasped at the delicious sensation of still feeling the aftereffects of her orgasm, his cock driving inside her over and over again, building that sensation to a fevered pitch. And when she felt herself getting close again, she wrapped her legs around him and urged him to go with her.

It didn’t take much urging, because when she came, he was right there with her, arching his back as he let go. It was the most beautiful thing to see his muscles tighten as he came, to see his body shudder along with hers as they rode out their orgasms together.

He bent and took her mouth in a sweet, gentling kiss before nuzzling at her neck.

“I forgot to time us,” he said.

She let out a soft laugh. “Trust me. The clock was the last thing I was focused on.”

They did a quick cleanup. She brushed her hair again, then they were on their way back to the main house. Grant held her hand in the car the entire way, and she couldn’t resist the more than satisfied smile on her face. Copyright 2016 - 2024