“I want to see all the reporters and all the guys. So I’m going,” Anya said.

“Me, too,” Leo added.

Katrina sighed. “I guess we’re all going.”

She only hoped Grant wouldn’t be pissed to see them there.

They could go and say hello and congratulations, and then they’d leave. She supposed it would be the polite thing to do.


THEY’D WON. DAMN GOOD GAME, TOO. THE TEAM WAS shaping up. Grant felt good about his game play. He had some tweaks to make here and there, but overall, pretty decent. His offensive line was solid. The off-season trades the Traders had made had firmed up the holes in the line, and he was grateful for that. The rookies were looking good, too. He was confident this was going to be a great team this year.

Coach was positive about all the changes, too, and had told them after the game they had beat a tough team and that their individual coaching staff would meet with them next week to go over their game play. After that they’d had media interviews, Grant had hit the shower, then got dressed.

He checked his phone as he finished packing up. Several texts—one from his dad, of course. Praising him for the game, then telling him everything he’d done wrong.

He smirked. Typical.

Another text from his mother telling him she loved him and he’d played well. That made him smile.

Texts from his brothers, too.

Flynn texted: You sucked. Surprised you won that game. Good thing the second string came in and won it for you.

And from Barrett: Damn good thing you have a solid defense. Otherwise you’d have had your ass handed to you.

From Tucker: Too busy playing baseball to watch your game. Did you win?

He laughed at that because he knew Tucker would never miss one of his games.

He missed his brothers. Though he’d never let any of them know it. They’d never let him live it down.

Finally a text from his sister, Mia: You rocked it. Can’t wait for the regular season to start.

Leave it to Mia to be the only one of his siblings to be encouraging. She knew the guys always gave each other shit, so she was the peacemaker.

“Reading your fan mail?”

He grinned up at Cole Riley. “Family criticisms.”

“Aren’t they the best?”

“Yeah. I imagine you get a lot of that as well from your family.”

“Constantly. But I give the same to them so it evens out.”

“Yup. Same here.” In fact, Tucker had a home series in St. Louis next week. He was going to have to catch one of the games, that way he could be a lot more critical. In person.

He grabbed his bag and headed out the locker room door, surprised and happy to see Katrina, Leo, and Anya standing beside Savannah Riley. He’d meant to text her about meeting after the game, but his head had been filled with game prep so he’d forgotten. He figured he’d stop by their place after the game and see about taking them out to eat.

Cole swept Savannah up in a kiss.

“You played great,” she said.

“I’m glad you were in town so you could be here for the game.”

“Me, too. Cole, this is Katrina Korsova and her brother and sister, Leo and Anya. They live in New York and are friends of Grant’s.”

He shook her hand. “I know who you are. I’ve seen a lot of your photos.” Then he shook Leo’s and Anya’s hands. “Sorry we beat your team.”

Leo shrugged. “It’s okay. It was a good game.”

Cole slanted a look in Grant’s direction, but Grant wasn’t about to say anything to Cole. He figured he’d get a lot of questions about Katrina at the next practice, though.

“I hate to rush off, but I have a plane to catch,” Savannah said.

Cole turned to them. “Hate to greet and run, but I’m going to head out with my wife.”

“Very nice to meet you, Cole,” Katrina said. “And you too, Savannah.”

Savannah hugged Katrina. “I’m calling you the next time I’m in New York. Or if you’re ever in St. Louis, we’ll have lunch or dinner.”

“Actually she’s—” Anya said, but Katrina cut her off right away.

“I’ll definitely call you. I’d love to get together.”


Grant wondered what that was all about. He’d have to ask her later.

“So, how about something to eat?” he asked after Cole and Savannah left. “I’m starving.”

“We’ve eaten tons in here,” Anya said. “Besides, I’m spending the night at Leah’s, so if you can drop me off at her place, that would be great.”

“I’m staying over at Bobby’s.”

Katrina looked at both of them. “How did I not know about these plans?”

“You do now.” Anya gave her a sweet smile. “I promised Leah a rundown of the game. And we’re going shopping tomorrow.”

“There’s an all-night video-game tournament going on. There are five of us playing, and I’m already late,” Leo said.

Katrina looked at Grant. “Sorry. But if you’re hungry, I’ll be happy to go with you.”


He had a car waiting for them, and they dropped Leo off first since their apartment was closer.

“Thanks, Grant. I hope I get to see you again.”

“You will.”

Anya was next.

“Don’t you need overnight stuff?” Katrina asked.

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