Katrina leaned back in her chair and took a couple sips of wine. “Do you think you’ll miss it?”

“The extensive time in airports? No. And I’ll be busy enough training new staff. They can handle the heavy travel workload, which will free me up to expand my business.”

“Sounds fun.”

“I hope it will be.” Savannah shifted her gaze to the field. “Still doing pregame stuff, so we have time for you to tell me all about yourself. You’ve been modeling for a while now, haven’t you?”

Katrina nodded. “Ten years.”

“And successfully, too. Congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

“Is it all exotic locations?”

Katrina laughed. “No, not always. Sometimes it’s urban, and a lot of times it’s studio.”

“But always an adventure, I’m sure.”

“It is.”

“And you’ve shot with some extremely sexy men.”

The funny thing is, she’d never paid attention to them before. To her, they were props.

Until Grant. He’d been the only one she’d had a reaction to.

“Yes. The men are certainly fun.”

“Any romances? Or am I being too intrusive?” Savannah asked.

“No romances. We’re usually too concerned with lighting and position. It’s always very professional.”

Savannah studied her. “Yet here you are—with Grant. So maybe something there?”

Oh, Savannah was good at this. “We’re just friends.”

Savannah gave her a knowing look. “Of course you are. Now we’re going to pause and go get some of that glorious food, and then I have more questions for you.”

Since she was enjoying herself immensely, Katrina was game for anything, so she followed along, filling a plate with more food than she should. But since she didn’t have another shoot for at least a week, she felt like indulging. They made their way back to their seats and their waitress refilled their wineglasses.

After devouring the food, Savannah wiped her lips with the napkin and took several sips of wine. “Now tell me about how you met Grant.”

“We did a photo shoot together in Barbados for a swimsuit edition of a sports magazine.”

“That sounds like fun. Was it fun?”

Katrina shrugged. “For me the shoot was work. Grant seemed to be having fun.”

“I’m sure he did. He got to shoot with you.”

“Thank you for that. He did seem to enjoy himself.”

Savannah studied her. “And? Any sparks? On your side, I mean. Grant would have to be dead not to be attracted to you. For goodness’ sakes, I’m attracted to you and I’m totally heterosexual.”

Katrina laughed. “Thank you again. And yes, there were definite sparks. I don’t tend to get involved with men, though.”

Savannah arched a brow. “Oh. So you’re into women?”

“No. Not at all what I meant. It’s just that with my work and my siblings, my life is kind of full.”

“Oh, honey, life should never be so full that you don’t have time for some fun. I imagine Grant would be all kinds of fun. I mean, just look at him.” Savannah’s gaze strayed out over the field where Grant took warm-up snaps.

Katrina studied him. She had to admit, in his uniform he was something to behold. Tall, muscular, and he looked so commanding as he threw the ball.

“You’re right. I’m sure he would be fun.” She remembered the other night, the way he’d held her and kissed her. She’d definitely like to have some fun with him, but at the same time, she had responsibilities, and fun wasn’t on that list of things she felt were important.

“Then go for it.”

“I have the kids to think about.”

Savannah swirled her wine around in the glass. “So … you feel you’re not entitled, or that your needs should come last?”

Funny how someone she barely knew had nailed it so well. “Maybe.”

“Sugar, give up on that notion right now. You work hard, and from what I can tell from here, those kids look well taken care of. Why don’t you take some time for yourself and live a little?”

She might just have to do that. As long as she didn’t take it seriously or get involved. “It sounds to me like you’ve had to learn to put yourself first.”

Savannah nodded. “Admittedly, it wasn’t always that way. But I’ve learned over the years that my needs are important. And my husband has helped me recognize that.”

“He sounds like a pretty wonderful man.”

“That he is. Though he wasn’t always as perfect as I make him out to be. We met when I was hired to make over his image.”

Katrina’s lips ticked up. “Is that right?”

“Yes. He was kind of a bad boy.”

“And you … reformed him?”

“Oh, no. I would never want to do that. I like him a little bad. But his public persona? It’s as white as snow now.”

“Of course. Just the way you want him, right? Good in public, bad in private?”

Savannah gave her a devilish smile. “Definitely.”

They eventually made their way to the seats in front of Leo and Anya.

“About time you sat down. I thought you were gonna miss the game,” Anya said.

She looked over her shoulder at her sister. “Wouldn’t dream of missing it. Football is my life.”

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