Finally though, they finished off on their knees facing each other in the water. They’d taken off Katrina’s top, and strategically placed her hair over her breasts. She and Grant were body to body.

“I want your lips practically touching, breathing each other’s air. Make this sexy, you two. This is the last shot before we lose the best light.”

Her head was angled, her lips full and as he moved in, he could feel her breath sail across his mouth. It was much cooler here in the water, which meant he was focusing a lot less on it being so goddamned blistering hot, and focusing a lot more on the sizzling woman in his arms. He tuned out the cameras and assistants and crew, and concentrated only on Katrina, on the feel of her body against his, the way she breathed, the way her eyes darkened as her lips touched his.

It wasn’t a kiss. It was an almost kiss, and it was damned frustrating. Her lips were right on his, but he couldn’t move in. He wanted to jerk her fully against him and take what she teasingly offered. Their gazes were locked, their bodies entwined, and it was a good thing cold water rushed over him, because he’d never been hotter.

“Goddamn awesome,” he heard the director say, but Grant could only suffer through the tease, sliding his hands down her bare back, feeling the silken softness of her skin, her breasts against his chest, and bide his time.

But this time, he knew she felt it, knew it from the way her heart pounded against his chest, from the fast way she breathed, from the passion he saw in her eyes. This was no work-related, I’m-bored-and-let’s-get-this-over-with kind of look. She was engaged and in this with him.

“Okay, we’re done,” the director said.

And this time, instead of pulling away immediately, her gaze drifted. Reluctantly, as if she wanted to stay locked with him like this, as if she wanted everyone to go away so they could finish what they’d started.

Yeah, he wanted that, too.

He stood and took her hands, pulling her to a standing position.

“Are you through with me for the day?” Katrina asked the director.

“Yeah, we’re done. Good job. Both of you. I think these shots are going to be amazing.”

“Thanks,” Grant said.

Katrina accepted her top from the assistant, and looped the string around her neck. Still staring at him, she put it back on.

“Want me to tie that for you?” he asked.

“Sure.” She pivoted and lifted her hair while he fastened the back of the bikini top for her.

When she turned around, she smiled.

“Now, how about that dip in the water you mentioned.”

Before he could answer, she was off, walking past the rocks, and disappeared into the waves. He followed right behind her, diving into the water.

When he surfaced, she was right next to him.

“You’re right. I needed that. It was hot out there,” she said, then started to swim back to shore.

He caught her ankle and spun her around. She kicked at him, laughing, but he brought her leg up and pulled her around him.

“You’re like a mermaid. Elusive.”

He thought she’d push away, but she held on to his shoulders. “I’m exhausted. I did a solo shoot at sunrise this morning. And I need to pack.”

“When do you fly out?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

“Plenty of time. And you’re probably hungry. I know I am.”

“I am a little hungry.”

“Then let’s get something to eat. We’ll hang out by the water. Enjoy this view before we both have to leave it.”

She hesitated, then nodded. “Okay. I need to take a shower and scrub all this makeup and oil off.”

“Me, too. Meet you at the pool in a half hour?”


He was reluctant to let go of her. She felt good against him, and he wanted to kiss her, but she was still resistant and he knew better than to push it, so he let go and they made the dash to shore.

After taking a shower and checking messages, he ran into Trevor in the lobby. He was packed and on his way out.

“Done?” Grant asked.

“Yeah. I had an early shoot this morning, so fortunately I have time to catch a flight this afternoon and get home to my woman. How about you?”

“Just finished a shoot, so I’m going to hang out and enjoy the beach. I’ll fly home tomorrow.”

They shook hands. “See you at one of the games,” Grant said, “or we’ll have dinner next time you’re in St. Louis.”

“I think we’re playing you this season, so we’ll definitely get together.”

“Okay. Have a safe flight.”

Grant picked a table close to the water, and ordered an ice water with lemon. It wasn’t too long until Katrina showed up, her hair still wet from her shower, and no makeup this time. It didn’t detract from her beauty at all. In fact, without makeup, she looked so young, and yet so incredibly pretty.

He stood when she came to the table.

“Thanks. Were you waiting long?”

“I just got here and ordered a water.”

The waitress came over, and Katrina ordered the same. The waitress left menus for them while she went to get Katrina’s drink.

“I’m sorry. I wanted to check on the kids.”

“And how are they?”

“They’re fine.”

“What are they doing over the summer?”

“They have camp.”

He grimaced. “Camp? What kind of camp?” Copyright 2016 - 2024