Mrs. Higgins's drawing-room. She is at her writing-table as before. The

parlor-maid comes in.

THE PARLOR-MAID [at the door] Mr. Henry, mam, is downstairs with

Colonel Pickering.

MRS. HIGGINS. Well, show them up.

THE PARLOR-MAID. They're using the telephone, mam. Telephoning to the

police, I think.


THE PARLOR-MAID [coming further in and lowering her voice] Mr. Henry's

in a state, mam. I thought I'd better tell you.

MRS. HIGGINS. If you had told me that Mr. Henry was not in a state it

would have been more surprising. Tell them to come up when they've

finished with the police. I suppose he's lost something.

THE PARLOR-MAID. Yes, mam [going].

MRS. HIGGINS. Go upstairs and tell Miss Doolittle that Mr. Henry and

the Colonel are here. Ask her not to come down till I send for her.


Higgins bursts in. He is, as the parlor-maid has said, in a state.

HIGGINS. Look here, mother: here's a confounded thing!

MRS. HIGGINS. Yes, dear. Good-morning. [He checks his impatience and

kisses her, whilst the parlor-maid goes out]. What is it?

HIGGINS. Eliza's bolted.

MRS. HIGGINS [calmly continuing her writing] You must have frightened


HIGGINS. Frightened her! nonsense! She was left last night, as usual,

to turn out the lights and all that; and instead of going to bed she

changed her clothes and went right off: her bed wasn't slept in. She

came in a cab for her things before seven this morning; and that fool

Mrs. Pearce let her have them without telling me a word about it. What

am I to do?

MRS. HIGGINS. Do without, I'm afraid, Henry. The girl has a perfect

right to leave if she chooses.

HIGGINS [wandering distractedly across the room] But I can't find

anything. I don't know what appointments I've got. I'm-- [Pickering

comes in. Mrs. Higgins puts down her pen and turns away from the


PICKERING [shaking hands] Good-morning, Mrs. Higgins. Has Henry told

you? [He sits down on the ottoman].

HIGGINS. What does that ass of an inspector say? Have you offered a


MRS. HIGGINS [rising in indignant amazement] You don't mean to say you

have set the police after Eliza?

HIGGINS. Of course. What are the police for? What else could we do? [He

sits in the Elizabethan chair].

PICKERING. The inspector made a lot of difficulties. I really think he

suspected us of some improper purpose.

MRS. HIGGINS. Well, of course he did. What right have you to go to the

police and give the girl's name as if she were a thief, or a lost

umbrella, or something? Really! [She sits down again, deeply vexed]. Copyright 2016 - 2024