PICKERING. Better wait til we get you something really fashionable.

HIGGINS. Besides, you shouldn't cut your old friends now that you have

risen in the world. That's what we call snobbery.

LIZA. You don't call the like of them my friends now, I should hope.

They've took it out of me often enough with their ridicule when they

had the chance; and now I mean to get a bit of my own back. But if I'm

to have fashionable clothes, I'll wait. I should like to have some.

Mrs. Pearce says you're going to give me some to wear in bed at night

different to what I wear in the daytime; but it do seem a waste of

money when you could get something to show. Besides, I never could

fancy changing into cold things on a winter night.

MRS. PEARCE [coming back] Now, Eliza. The new things have come for you

to try on.

LIZA. Ah--ow--oo--ooh! [She rushes out].

MRS. PEARCE [following her] Oh, don't rush about like that, girl [She

shuts the door behind her].

HIGGINS. Pickering: we have taken on a stiff job.

PICKERING [with conviction] Higgins: we have.

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