Though in slight physical discomfort, Emily felt mentally amazing. She stared at Gavin’s scared face, wanting to drown in his eyes. It seemed so unreal he was standing in the room with her. She moved toward him, and touched his cheek, cradling it in her hand. “The baby’s coming whether or not we have the maternity bag.”

“Right,” Gavin croaked, grabbing a pair of sweat pants and T-shirt. He slipped them on, trying his hardest to relax, but her calmness was making him nervous.

A subdued knock came at the door, followed by Olivia walking in. Sporting a pair of silk pajamas and furry bunny slippers, she squinted against the light. “You whackos do realize it’s almost three in the morning, right?” She yawned and rubbed a tired hand over her face. “Considering Jude and I are right next door, is it possible you two could, I don’t know, keep it down a little? You know I’m a light sleeper.”

“Emily’s in labor,” Gavin answered, searching for his keys on top of the dresser.

Olivia’s eyes went wide right about the same time another unwelcomed contraction started working its way through Emily’s stomach. Hunched over, she tried to breathe through the pain.

Olivia and Gavin rushed to her side, each grabbing her arm. Olivia’s mouth dropped open. “Holy shit, Em. We’re all the way in the Hamptons. What the hell are you going to do? Drive back to the city? I mean, your doctor’s there, not here.”

Emily shook her head, her eyes drifting between Gavin and Olivia. “What’s wrong with everyone?” she bit out, her voice not as sweet or calm as before. “I might be wrong, but women give birth all the time without maternity bags and without doctors they follow throughout their pregnancies. Right?”

“Right,” Gavin and Olivia answered in unison.

“Thank you,” Emily said, sinking onto the bed as she began to cry again. Between the pain and the nightmare, she was a mess.

Gavin glanced at Olivia, his voice feigning calm. “Can you get her out something to wear?”

Olivia nodded, and Gavin kneeled in front of Emily. Hands on her knees, he looked up into her eyes, thankful for everything she had and was about to give him. “I love you,” he whispered. Emily ran her fingers through his hair, a weak smile touching her lips. “Scared together, sweets. Remember that. I’m here.”

“Scared together,” Emily softly repeated, accepting a shirt and maternity leggings from Olivia.

“I’m going to wake everyone up.” Olivia popped a kiss on Emily’s cheek and another on Gavin’s head. “They need to know little Noah Olivia Alexander Blake will be here soon. Eek!” With that, she disappeared into the darkened hall.

Once again trying for the “I’m cool as a cat” act, when he was truly freaked the fuck out, Gavin helped Emily out of her pajamas and into her clothes. By the time they made it downstairs, the kitchen was awake with excited friends and family. Emily took a steeling breath as she stared at their smiling faces, her nightmare rushing back with full force. She couldn’t help it; she broke down, tears exploding from her eyes.

Gavin wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He had a pretty good idea why she was crying.

Frowning, Lillian pulled Emily into her embrace. “You can get meds at the hospital for the pain, sweetie.” She held her against her soft, black robe.

Taking in Lillian’s concerned but happy demeanor, given she was about to meet her third grandchild, Emily pulled herself from the nightmare and stopped crying.

“How far apart are the contractions?” Lillian asked. “You’ve been timing them, right?”

Gavin shook his head, his throat suddenly dry. Damn. He was fucking this all up. He hadn’t timed shit. He felt as if everything he’d learned in the many Lamaze classes he and Emily attended had flown right out the window.

“Just start timing them now,” Fallon offered, pulling a chair from the table. She tossed her silver and green-streaked hair into a pony tail and sipped her coffee. “I read if they’re closer than five minutes apart, the baby’s coming soon.”

Olivia shot her and Trevor a look. “You two are trying to have a kid, aren’t you?”

Trevor smirked. “Sis, you are and will always be a nut.” Olivia rolled her eyes and Trevor walked over to Gavin, shaking his hand. “Give us a few to wake up, and we’ll meet you at the hospital. Born on the fifth of July. Cool birthday. Congratulations, bro.”

“Thanks.” Gavin smiled and walked Emily to the door. After hugging everyone goodbye, she stepped out into the dewy night air, making her way toward Gavin’s car.

As Gavin went to rush after her, Colton caught his arm. “Just remember, little man, do whatever she asks. Don’t take her threats or name calling personally. She still loves you. She just won’t like you for the next few hours. At all.”

Chad chuckled, slapping Gavin’s back. “I can’t say I disagree with your brother. Linda Blair from The Exorcist comes to mind, but she’ll calm back down.”

Lillian swatted Chad’s arm and pulled Gavin in for a hug. “Ignore your father and brother. Everything will be fine. Love you, baby boy. We’ll be there soon.”

Gavin kissed his mother goodbye and stepped from the house. Anticipating a full blown demon, he was surprised to find Emily casually leaning against his car. She still looked stressed, but he expected wicked. As if he had willed that demon into existence, he watched her face go from relaxed and loving to all-out pissed as she hunched over, grabbing her stomach.

“Jesus, Gavin, can you just open the door already?” she hissed, her fingers curling around the side mirror of his BMW.

Gavin nervously fumbled with his keys to unlock the door. He helped Emily into her seat, slammed the door, and shot around the vehicle. Once in, he looked at her, his heart sinking. “Breathe, baby. Remember the breathing techniques they taught you.” He watched her toss her head back, and he heard some kind of grunt rumble up her throat.

She whipped her head around, glaring daggers at him. “I know how to breathe, Gavin. You just worry about getting me to the damn hospital so I don’t give birth to your son on these leather seats. Got it?”

Yep, she was scaring Gavin. Throwing the car into reverse, he figured he’d speak only when spoken to for the remainder of the ride.

As lights along the darkened road came and went, so did the contraction possessing Emily’s body. It left her feeling terrible, though. Sitting on her knees, she leaned over the console. Cupping Gavin’s face as he stared at the road, she started raining kisses along his temple, hair, and jaw. Anywhere she could kiss, she did. “I’m so sorry.” She kissed his nose, neck, ear, cheeks, and lips. She cried again. “You were dead. You were gone. I love you, Gavin. You’re my Yankees-obsessed, bottle cap-giving wiseass. I’m so sorry. I love you so much.”

Gavin’s mouth twitched into a nervous smile. “This bottle cap-giving wiseass loves you, too.” He paused and wiped a tear from her face, unsure whether or not he should say what he was about to. Her hands were tiny, but he knew his girl could throw a pretty powerful smack. “Um, sweets, you need to sit back down, okay? Get your seatbelt on for me.”

Emily nodded. As she reached for the belt, her belly started to ball in pain. As it simmered, anchoring through her muscles, she felt a little pop. Still on her knees, warm liquid trickled down her leg. She pulled in a fast, harsh breath. “Oh… my… God,” she cried out, her eyes wide with panic. “My water just broke. You need to drive faster, Gavin. Now.” She turned to him, her face twisted in pain as she held her stomach. “I’m not kidding. I know you know how not to drive like a grandfather. Get that big foot of yours to press harder on the gas. I. Am. Not. Kidding.” Copyright 2016 - 2024