With a smile, the girl approached, her brown hair secured into pigtails. “Can I get anything else for you, gals?”

“No. We’d like our check please,” Emily replied, pulling her wallet from her purse as she stood.

“Actually, I’d like to order your double fudge chocolate sundae,” Olivia piped up, staring at Emily. “Extra fudge.”

The waitress scribbled down the order. “Be right back.”

“Aww hell no, Em,” Olivia clipped, patting the chair. “You can’t just drop a bomb like that without divulging what’s not happening in your bed.” Olivia looked at Fallon for back up. “Am I right, or what?”

Fallon nodded, patting the chair too. “Completely. Sit and spill, Country.”

“You two suck,” Emily whispered as she reclaimed her seat. “What?”

“What?” Olivia parroted, blinking in surprise. “Like Fallon said… Spill.”

“I’ve already spilled. He hasn’t had sex with me since we went for my first sonogram.” Looking away, she shrugged, her chest expanding on a deep, sexually frustrated breath. “He’s afraid he’s going to hurt me or the baby.”

“What, does he have a sword for a penis?” Fallon asked. “It’s the end of February, and you two haven’t had sex since the beginning of January?”

Chin lifted, Olivia crossed her arms, accentuating the cleavage spilling out of her hot pink cashmere sweater. “For real? Are you being serious?”

Emily puffed out a sigh. “No, I’m lying. I felt like making up some ridiculous story today.” She loosened her hair from its bun. The dark, wavy curls spilled down her back. “Yes, I’m serious. He’s… nervous.”

“He’s being an asshole,” Olivia vehemently noted, accepting her sundae from the bouncy teenager.

“I agree.” Fallon dug her spoon into Olivia’s dessert. “Something’s up. Do you think he’s cheating? I mean, I’ve read that some dudes get freakish about doing the deed when their girl is preggos. Maybe he’s hitting it elsewhere.”

Emily’s eyes went wide.

Olivia shot Fallon a look. “That’s twice you’ve mentioned reading shit on pregnancy. You and my brother better not have any ideas flying through your heads.”

“I like to stay informed,” Fallon answered, going in for another scoop of ice-cream.

“And I’d like to answer your question,” Emily said, insistence heavy in her tone. “No, I don’t think he’s cheating.” Well, the thought hadn’t crossed Emily’s mind until now. Damn Fallon. Emily shook the idea from her head as quickly as it entered. “He wants to talk to the doctor at my next appointment and get all the facts.”

Fallon sucked on her spoon, her brow raised in speculation. “Are you trying to tell me Gavin Blake—money mogul, pretty smart cat—hasn’t sought out information on the internet about this?”

“He doesn’t trust the internet,” Emily answered with a sigh. She picked up her spoon and started digging into what was left of the sundae. “He said there’s too much conflicting information and he’d rather talk to the doctor personally.”

Fallon shrugged. “I ain’t buying it. Either he’s turned off, or he’s dropping his seed somewhere else.” Emily’s jaw dropped open. Fallon belted out a laugh. “I’m kidding, Country. Kind of. But on the real, keep your eyes open. It just seems… odd. A man as smart as he is can’t just become dumb. And if he was interested, why is he waiting? Why not drop by your doctor’s office and ask?”

Emily snapped her mouth shut and pondered Fallon’s statement. She hadn’t really thought of why Gavin hadn’t attempted to find out on his own. Her stomach wasn’t a protruding balloon yet, but considering she was nearing sixteen weeks, it definitely wasn’t flat anymore. She didn’t think he was cheating, and she felt self-conscious about her less than flattering physique, so Emily went with the assumption he was turned off by what she was slowly turning in to.

Olivia frowned at Fallon. “Are you trying to upset her?”

“No, I’m not trying to upset her.” Fallon wiped her mouth and tossed the crumpled up napkin onto the table. “You just never know. That’s all.”

Olivia shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Don’t listen to her, Emily. Gavin would never, not even on his worst day, cheat on you. Now, I think you need to smarten his ass up. Maybe grab some pamphlets from your doctor’s office and educate the man on the specifics of indulging in a little one on one while preggos. As long as nothing needs to be plugged in while engaging in these acts, I’m sure all will be well. Don’t need anyone getting electrocuted trying to get some ass.”

Emily rose from her seat to flag down the waitress again. After handing the girl her credit card, she sighed. “Okay, you two. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. He’s going to talk to my doctor at my next appointment. Conversation over.”

Both women nodded, and with that, the subject was closed. After signing the bill, they all started for the exit.

Fallon swung on her coat and gave Emily a hug. “I have to go get ready for work. I love you, toots. Don’t mind me. I’m just PMSing right now. I’m sure everything’s going to be fine.” Emily gave her a small smile and helped Fallon wrap her scarf around her neck. “Stop by the restaurant soon. Antonio misses you. Shit, we all miss you.”

Emily nodded, missing everyone too. She’d given her notice a few weeks earlier, deciding that working part time as a teacher for a class of first graders was more than enough for the time being. “I will.”

After bidding Fallon goodbye, Emily and Olivia slipped into a taxi and started out for a day of maternity clothes shopping. Again, her stomach wasn’t quite the bursting balloon it would be in a few months, but her expanding shape definitely required some new attire. Twenty minutes later, after what Emily considered one of the scariest rides through the city ever, courtesy of an overly hotheaded driver, they reached Rosie Pope, a high end maternity boutique on Madison Avenue.

Olivia slammed the taxi door closed. “Psycho!” Olivia flicked her middle finger at the cabbie screeching away into midday traffic. “Christ on a cracker. I swear, the city needs to give these dudes some tranquilizers before they go on shift.” After securing her thick blonde hair into a messy bun, she sighed and held open the door for Emily. “Why the hell didn’t you bring your car? You have a brand new, slamming vehicle Gavin bought you, and you barely drive it.”

“You barely drive yours.” Emily scanned the posh boutique, impressed by their selection. “You’ve been in Manhattan a lot longer than I have. You see how scary it is out there. It’s not only the cab drivers; everyone drives like a nut here.”

“Right. I’ve turned somewhat Manhattan-ized cabbing it or taking the subway. But I could reach orgasm by merely sitting in your car. I’d have no qualms about driving it. That machine was meant for speed and sex. It’s hot on wheels.”

Emily signed, her mind jolted back to a glorious freeway in California. It was indeed made for… fun.

Olivia pulled a red tunic sweater from a rack and plastered it against Emily’s chest. Cocking her head from side to side, she studied it a moment. She wrinkled her nose in distaste and hung it back up. “Not your color. Oh, and can I say I’m not thrilled about you deciding not to have a baby shower.”

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