“Look at us, a couple of saps.” He shook his head. “I need to figure out where the hell my head’s at. I need to get in there and talk to my mom.”

Gavin agreed with him on that one. “Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.” He paused and then said, “Regardless, they love you, Mason. All the people in that house do, and I don’t think that love is dependent on running Alexander’s or not. Even your asshole ex, who I really want to knock out. Just once. Just one hit and I think I would feel better.”

Mason laughed.

“I don’t think he ever thought he’d lose you, and that scares him.”

“I think he likes to win, and right now he’s not winning. Come on. I need to get my ass back in there.”

And Gavin had a lot of things he needed to figure out himself.


Mason watched as Gavin pulled out of the driveway to go back to Blackcreek. Once his car disappeared, he let out a deep breath and walked back into the house. His mom sat at the dining room table, with her back to the door.

“Isaac left,” she whispered when he got close. “He’s been in your life since you were born, Mason. I can’t believe you would get physical with him.”

He took the chair across from her, knowing she wouldn’t understand. “It was a fight. It happens. He’d try and kick my ass if I pissed him off bad enough.”

Mason saw the red rings around her eyes when they made eye contact, and he quietly cursed. He didn’t want to hurt his family. She latched her hands together on top of the table and Mason noticed they still shook.

“I think you need to go see her, Mason. I think you need to know your birth mom—”

“No.” He shook his head. He didn’t need that. The people in this house had raised him. Why did he need someone who hadn’t wanted him?

“There’s something going on with you. Maybe you don’t see it, but it’s there.”

He was an adult. Who gave birth to him shouldn’t matter. “I know who my family is.”

She gave him a sad smile. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to see where you came from. And if you want a relationship with her…” His mom sat up straighter, and Mason could tell it was a show. That she wanted to try and look like she believed this, even though it hurt. “You deserve this. It’s only natural to wonder. We should have given you this chance earlier.”


“You let me handle him. I’m doing what’s best for you right now.”

And she always had. Both of his parents always had, so why in the hell couldn’t that be enough for Mason?

“It’s curiosity. Who doesn’t wonder where they came from? I,” she shook her head. “You met her once. Your father doesn’t know.”

Mason’s heart raced. He wanted this. Wanted information on the woman who had given him away. “He was always worried before. He said it was because of her history with drug use, but I think he was always afraid she’d want you back. I couldn’t tell her no, though.”

Mason leaned forward, his elbows on the table. She’d seen him? And as long as he could remember, he’d never known his dad to fear anything. Even this stroke. Isaac was right about the fact that it wouldn’t get his father down. He won. He triumphed. Yet he’d been afraid of losing Mason, the very thing Mason was letting happen.

“She came to the house. We spent the afternoon in the garden. She played with you all day. I’m not going to lie and say it didn’t hurt. My instinct was to hold you to me,” tears poured down her face, prompting Mason to move to the chair next to her. “You were mine. Ours. Not hers. But…it was beautiful as well. To see you talking and playing with the woman who brought you into the world.”

Damned if Mason’s hands didn’t shake, like hers did.

“That’s when she got her life together. That’s when…”

She married and started a new family.

Mason’s mom opened her hand. She held a small, folded piece of paper inside. “Here’s her phone number and address.”

Mason shook his head, the word no on his tongue before she even finished speaking. “You’re my mother, and my dad’s in the next room.”

She smiled, patted his hand, and then put the paper in his palm. “You want to know where you came from. I see it every time you look at me. I also know you love us. Take the information, Mason.” She kissed the top of his head and walked out of the room.


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