Braden grabbed onto Fred’s shoulders. It was meant to look playful, but Mason could see the anger in his eyes. “Be careful with the water here, Freddy boy. I heard it makes you gay.”

Everyone laughed except Gavin, Mason, and Fred, who shoved Braden away. Mason didn’t have the energy to laugh.

“Watch out. Duty calls.” He stood, kissed Gavin on the forehead, and then went over to serve the firemen and the asshole that came along with them.


Gavin followed Mason to his parent’s house on Sunday morning. This would be the first time he met the family of someone he was in a relationship with, besides Braden. Probably because Braden had been the only man he’d been with besides a casual fuck.

And they were more. He’d realized that for a while, but this cemented it.

Gavin killed the engine as his car sat in Mason’s driveway. He got out as Mason walked toward him. “Your home is incredible.” It was a large, brick house, with perfectly manicured lawn and flowers. They had tall pillars out front, with a covered walkway and fountain off to the side.

He never would have pegged Mason as growing up in a place like this.

“It’s a bit much if you ask me. It was a good place to grow up, though. Let’s go.” Mason nodded toward the house and started walking. Gavin fell into step beside him. Mason held the door open and signaled for Gavin to go in first.

The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside, with marble tables, crown molding and incredible artwork. “Wow.”

“Don’t stress, music man. Just a house. I promise they’re much more down-to-Earth than you’d expect.”

“Who said I’m stressing?” Really, he was. This was a big step for them.

“Mason? We’re in here!” a woman’s voice called. Mason led Gavin through a set of double doors and into a large family room. Mason’s mother sat on the couch, his father in a wheelchair, with Isaac in a chair across from him, showing the man some paperwork.

“Hello. You must be Gavin. It’s so nice to meet you.” The woman with a kind smile walked over and shook Gavin’s hand.

“Hello, ma’am. It’s nice to meet you as well.”

Mason’s eyebrows pulled together as if something surprised him. Gavin shrugged and smiled at Mason’s mom.

“None of that. Call me Catherine. This is Mason’s father, Ted. Ted, this is Gavin.”

Before Gavin could reply, Mason asked, “What are you guys looking at?”

“Just restaurant things. We’ll talk about it later.” Isaac put the papers into his briefcase.

Ted looked up from his seat. “Good to meet you,” he said, though his words were slightly slurred.

“You, too.” Gavin held out his right hand so Ted could do the same.

“Gavin.” Isaac nodded and Gavin did the same. He wasn’t sure why, but he hadn’t expected the man to be here already.

“What time did you get here?” Mason asked Isaac.

“I stayed the night, so I could help Mom with a few things. How was the bar last night, Mase?”

Gavin stiffened. It was strange, uncomfortable even, that his boyfriend’s ex was so close to the family that he not only stayed here at times but that he called Gavin’s mother Mom. Add to it that he couldn’t read Isaac, didn’t know him well enough to know if he meant his question honestly or if he tried to give Mason shit for not being here.

“Good. We were busy. Things are really taking off. It’s good to see all my hard work paying off.” The guarded edge to Mason’s voice told Gavin that there was more behind Mason’s words than he knew. Isaac didn’t respond, though, and Mason turned his attention to his father. “Hey, Dad. Looking good today. Want to hang outside for a bit? I want to show Gavin the garden.”

“If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a shower,” Isaac stood and left the room. Gavin really hated that man. He wanted him out of Mason’s life. Because you see how well he fits here…

But he didn’t, really. Not with the Mason that Gavin knew.

The four of them went out for a walk once Isaac went upstairs. The majority of the tension seemed to leave with him. They walked, and Catherine would point out different trees and flowers that she liked. She told him stories about Mason when he was a kid. Of the time he decided to run away and tried to stay in the garden all night but got scared.

“Thanks for that, Mom. Just what a guy wants is for his boyfriend to hear he was afraid to sleep in a garden.”

Gavin chuckled as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder. “That’s okay. You were only twelve.” Copyright 2016 - 2024