“This was the plan all along?” I ask surprised.

Cameron smiles. “Yes. I’m taking both of you on our date tonight.”

My hearty swells and I feel like it’s going to burst. I feel tears coming but I bite my tongue until the threat has passed.

“I will come get her in a few hours and then we’ll all see you tomorrow at Cameron’s house for Thanksgiving,” Hannah pipes up, ushering us towards the door.

I pull my jacket on while Cameron helps Ari with hers. Seems she’s decided to attach herself to him.

“And remember,” Hannah says softly, so that only I can hear. “If it’s meant to happen it will. Just have fun, enjoy it.”

She smiles at me and I kiss her cheek, whispering ‘thank you’ before heading out the door. Cameron straps Ari into a car seat while I climb in the front passenger seat.

When he joins me, he catches me staring, a smile playing at my lips. “What?” he asks, starting the ignition and pulling away from the curb.

“Nothing,” I reply. I’m grinning like a fool and on the verge of crying. All because Cameron brought a damn car seat for my daughter. So far, it’s already turning out to be an amazing night, and it’s just started.

The drive is quiet, except for Arianna singing quietly in the backseat. Cameron’s hand rests on my thigh and something about this, the three of us in his truck, feels natural, and I like it. I’m not sure where Cameron is taking us, and I don’t think to ask until he stops outside of a small restaurant I’ve never been to before. It’s a tiny corner bistro with wrought iron tables and chairs set up outside. It’s too quiet for a weeknight and something tells me Cameron has something up his sleeve. We climb out and I go to help Ari out when Cameron walks around the hood of his truck with her in one arm and her bag in the other. I giggle. He looks very domesticated. He knocks on the door of the bistro and a tall, bear-like man comes to open.

“Cameron, come in, come in,” he welcomes.

He closes the door behind us and locks it, flipping the sign on the door to “closed”.

“Tony,” Cameron greets, shaking the bug guy's hand. “This is my…” he hesitates, looking at me and then back at Tony. “Girlfriend, Hayley, and her daughter, Arianna.”

I stick my hand out. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” he replies, kissing my hand. I blush. He’s quite charming.

Tony then does the same with Ari and she, too, is taken by his charm. I stifle a laugh when I see Cameron almost scowling.

“The kitchen is set up,” Tony says “And all yours. You’ll lock up when you’re done?”

“Yes, thanks again for letting me have the place for the night,” Cameron replies.

Tony nods and says goodbye before leaving us alone. Cameron leads us to the kitchen and sets Ari in a kiddie’s high chair.

“You going to tell me what we’re doing here?” I ask, walking closer to Cameron.

He closes the distance between us, resting his hands on my waist. “We are going to have some fun.”

I tilt my chin and stretch on the balls of my feet until my lips lightly brush his.

“Later,” he mumbles against my lips. His eyes burn into mine and I see the promise. Later….

With a chaste kiss and a heart-stopping smile, he goes to the fridge and starts taking out ingredients.

“What are we making?”

Cameron grins excitedly. “Pizza.”

** ** ** ** **

“Did you have fun?” Cameron asks, wrapping his arm around my waist. He kisses my shoulder and I shiver.

I turn to face him. “I did, thank you. It was perfect.”

“Before or after Ari threw the flour at you?” He chuckles.

I shake my hair out laughing at the memory. We ended up making a bigger mess after that, and needless to say, I had no idea rolling pizza dough could be such a turn on. I licked my lips several times while Cameron’s hands worked and kneaded the dough until it was pliable. It made me wonder if he could do the same to me and bend me to his will.

“You were amazing with her,” I say. “I’m glad she seems to like you.”

He smirks. “It’s my charm, even the little ones can’t resist me.”

“There’s that cockiness I’m so fond of,” I tease.

“Nah, as long as you like me, I’m happy.”

He dips his head until our lips touch. I hold my breath and when both his arms snake around my waist I sink into him. He moves his lips across mine in a gentle caress that leaves me craving more.

“Do you need to change?” he asks quietly. I’m so caught up with his lips that I forgot about my overnight bag.

I nod, feeling shy and nervous all over again. Cameron goes to close his bedroom door while I take my time changing into my lingerie. I eye myself in the mirror. My eyes are bright, my cheeks rosy and my hair hangs down in soft ringlets just below my breasts. The black baby doll dress is almost see-through with a bow that ties it between my breasts and flows down to my thighs, covering the matching black panties.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door. Cameron is sitting on the edge of his bed, shirtless, with his elbows on his knees. He looks up when he hears the door, and we stare at each other for what feels like hours. I notice that he’s lit some candles and turned off the lights. It’s romantic, and not what I was expecting. He stays seated, and watches me approach, his eyes appraising me, appraising my body.

I come to stand between his legs. “Wow,” he breathes. He reaches for me, his hands wrapping around the back of my naked thighs and pulling me until I straddle him.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he says quietly.

I touch his lips. “I want…” I pause. I’m not sure how to tell him what I want. Cameron tips my chin so that we’re nose to nose.

“Tell me,” he presses. “I want to give you what you want.”

My hands slide up his arms and I lean closer. My voice is nothing but a whisper, mixing in the air around us. “You, Cameron. I just want you.”

“You already have me.”

Our lips crash, our mouths seeking each other out. Our tongues slide together, lapping and tasting each other, discovering each other. He lifts me up and turns us around. His arm tightens around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck as he lowers us onto his bed.

He settles himself between my legs and I wrap them around his waist. Our mouths pull apart and our eyes collide.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers. His fingers trail down my face and around my neck. “You’re sure?”

I rest my palms on Cameron’s chest and feel the steady thrum of his heartbeat increase. I have no doubt that this is what I want.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

I grip the back of his neck and pull his lips down to mine, urging him on, encouraging him. I feel him loosen the bow between my breasts and I arch my back when he palms one. He massages slowly, moving his mouth down my throat until it wraps around my other nipple. He sucks hard and I moan, threading my fingers through his hair.

“Ohhhh,” I moan again and writhe under Cameron’s touch. His mouth moves to the other one, paying it equal attention until I’m a quivering, needy mess beneath him. His tongue travels down, circling my navel. When he kisses my C-section scar I suck in a breath. Something about it feels more intimate than anything else we could possibly do tonight. I lift myself onto my elbows and watch him move lower. His fingers slip under my panties and he kneels back to slide them down my legs. I try to hide myself, my nakedness, but Cameron stops me by putting his hands on the inside of my thighs and pushing my legs open.

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