“I guess.”

Three plays later, Cole ran out on the field. Cassidy went into the shotgun, dipped back, and threw. Cole ran a slant and caught the ball, then sprinted for another fifteen yards and a first down.

The crowd erupted into cheers. Cole calmly threw the ball to the ref and reentered the huddle.

Savannah grinned. So did Liz.

“So far so good,” Savannah said.

Cole split his time at wide receiver with Davis and Fields and, depending upon the play called, sometimes occupied the field at the same time as one of them. Savannah made note of the number of plays he was given the ball. By the end of the first half it looked like he was sharing starter responsibility with the other two receivers. And he’d caught two long passes and scored a touchdown.

He was playing very well.

The rookie players got time in the second half, so Cole and the other receivers didn’t play.

By the fourth quarter, Savannah was relaxed. The Traders had the lead and were sailing on to preseason victory.

“Our boy looked good, didn’t he?” Jack Riley asked.

“He looked very good,” Savannah said.

“I think this move to the Traders will be the best thing for his career.”

“You can thank our Elizabeth for that,” Jimmy said, winding his arm around his daughter-in-law.

Liz grinned. “Just doing my job.”

“With a little bit of Gavin’s and Mick’s urging, I think,” Jimmy said with a grin.

“Maybe a little. But I wouldn’t have done it if Cole didn’t have the talent. Hopefully, this will be a good season for him.”

“I’ve watched a couple of his interviews, Savannah,” Cole’s mother said. “He seems so much more…polished.”

A high compliment, coming from one of Cole’s parents. “He’s learning a lot about the team. He’s done his homework.”

“He’s a little rough around the edges. I have to admit I’ve cringed a bit during his tussles with the media. I hope you can work with him on that.”

She smiled at his mother. “I’ll do my best.”

“He’s just being a guy,” Jack said. “They all get mouthy.”

Cara frowned. “But that’s not always the best way to conduct interviews with the media. That’s part of the reason he’s gotten such a difficult reputation.”

“The media loves bad boys,” Jack shot back.

And Savannah was going to steer clear of that argument.

Liz put her arm through Savannah’s. “Look, Cole is a dynamite football player, but he’s had some issues with his behavior, both on and off the field. With Savannah and me working with him and Cole’s natural talent on the field, this is going to be his best year yet. Don’t we all agree?”

“It sure will be,” Jack said, lifting a beer in toast.

Everyone chimed in, and that was the end of the discussion.

“Nice save,” Savannah said as Liz drew her away from the family.

She shrugged. “I’m used to the Rileys. They’re a passionate lot. And Jack is always going to defend his son, including his son’s failings.”

“He’s doing better,” she said as they took a seat in the corner.

“I’m glad to hear that. I don’t think my reputation can take another failure.”

“Failure? Please. I think you’re one of the best agents in the industry.”

Liz batted her lashes. “Oh, compliments. Do go on and on.”

Savannah laughed and concentrated on the game, though she spent more time watching Cole on the sidelines. He sat with the other receivers, talked to them, got up and chatted up the line.

He was doing everything right. She couldn’t be more pleased.

He’d looked amazing today, not just play-wise, but just…amazing wise. He filled out his uniform in a way that made her mouth water. There was something about his arms that made her stomach tumble. It was those lean muscles and hands that were talented in more ways than one.

And she needed to remember her goals with him were professional ones, not personal. She already had two strikes against her in the bad decisions department.

“Got your eye on Cole, I see,” Liz said.

“Yes. Observing his behavior with his teammates.”

“Looks more like you were observing his fine ass.”

Her eyes widened and she craned her head around to see if anyone in Cole’s family had heard Liz’s comment. Fortunately, they were all absorbed in the game and talking among themselves.

“I was not.”

“Oh, please. You think I can’t see the way he looks at you?”

“What? No.” She paused. “How does he look at me?”

Liz gleamed like a cat facing a full bowl of cream. “Like he wants to eat you all up, honey.”

Her body thrilled at the thought. “He does not.”

“He does. And you want to take a big bite out of his meaty physique.” Liz studied her. “So how’s that going?”

Heat spread up her neck. She felt it stain her cheeks.

“So. A repeat performance?”

She laid her head in her hands. There was no point in denying it. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Well, I do.” She grabbed Savannah’s arm and hauled her out of her seat. “Excuse us. We have some confidential business matters to discuss in the private offices.”

Liz took Savannah into the adjacent office suite and shut the door. Savannah fell into the chair and opened one of the bottled waters that was sitting in a cluster on the table.

Liz pulled a chair up next to her and leaned forward. “Okay, spill.”

“I swore to myself it was going to be that one time and that was it. But apparently I’m weak, or he’s the hottest, most irresistible man I’ve ever come across. Typically, I’m all business. I’ve worked with sexy sports players before, and not once has one ever tripped my libido like Cole has.”

Liz grinned. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. I fell hard for Gavin, and that never happens to me. In this business we’re surrounded by hot, sexy athletes. I’m immune to them. Until that one man who does it for you like no one else has before.”

“I don’t know what happened. I didn’t intend for anything to explode between us. It just did. I swear, Liz, it’s like an inferno. After the first time, I thought, okay, big mistake. A wonderful, hot night together, but still, it couldn’t happen again.”

Liz gave her a knowing smile. “Until it happened again.”


“So now what?” she asked.

“Now it definitely can’t happen again. I can’t jeopardize my job. It’s all I have.”

“You could have Cole.”

“Would you have done that? Early in your relationship with Gavin, would you have sacrificed your career for hot sex with Gavin?”

Liz gave her a knowing look. “Not a chance in hell. And I was already on the cusp after what went down with Mick. Taking up with Gavin was the dumbest thing I ever did.”

“So why did you do it?”

“Because I was in love with him.”


Liz laughed. “My situation is a little different. I had been in love with Gavin for years before we ever got together. My head and my heart weren’t in sync. Logically, I knew that getting involved with him could be a career ender for me, especially right after that debacle with Mick. But my heart wanted him. And once we got together, there was no going back for me.”

“So you risked it all for him.”

“I guess I did.”

“I don’t understand that. I guess maybe because I never had a role model to show me that great kind of love.”

“Honey, neither did I. Well, that’s not true. I had Gavin’s family, his parents. I’ve never known two people who were more in love. They’re the best role models for a lasting relationship. Being around them for years showed me that if you want something badly enough, you make it work, no matter the obstacles.”

“But you’re not using your parents as role models.”

Liz snorted. “My parents were the worst role models for anything. Love, relationship, parenting. I couldn’t get away from them fast enough.”

A kindred spirit. “Yet look how you turned out. A smart, strong, capable career woman.”

“Thank you. And so are you.”

“Despite no role model of my own.”

Liz frowned and squeezed her hand. “I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how much that hurt. I had a shitty childhood and lousy parents, but at least I had parents. No comparison.”

Savannah shrugged. “I got through it. Like you, I learned to rely on myself. Put myself through school and everything.”

“Then let me return the compliment. Look at you now. A smart, strong, capable career woman. You did that all yourself.”

“I appreciate that. Sometimes a woman needs a boost, especially when she’s out there all alone.”

“But you don’t have to do this alone. You have friends like me. And you have Cole—or you can have him, if you allow yourself.”

She shook her head. “I can’t do that. I can’t jeopardize my career for a man—for anyone. My mother gave everything she had for men, drugs, and alcohol, and I watched what they did to her, what she did to herself. She lost herself and she gave up everything that was important. I refuse to ever give up any part of myself. My career satisfies me.”

Liz nodded. “I understand. The past is sometimes hard to let go of. But you do realize that you can’t blame Cole for the sins your mother committed. And you’re nothing like her.”

She nodded. “I know. I’m not weak like she was. I’m strong. But look how easily he distracts me. That scares me.”

“Love is a damned frightening thing, Savannah.”

Her eyes widened. “Love? Who said anything about love? I’m not in love with him. It’s just sex. Mercy, that’s frightening enough.”

Elizabeth smiled. “Are you sure you’re not selling yourself short by not giving you and Cole a chance?”

“A chance at what?”

“At having…something.”

She looked out over the field, her gaze instantly landing on Cole, her body warming just looking at him.

“It’s just physical. It’s not love.”

“He scares you,” Liz said.

“Like you wouldn’t believe.”


TWO GAMES DOWN IN THE PRESEASON AND COLE thought they were doing pretty good. They’d won the first, lost the second by only one point, but Cole hadn’t pissed off the media or gotten into a fight with his coach or any of his teammates.

He’d gotten the ball regularly during the first half of the games when the first string played. He was getting plenty of play time, just the way he liked it. Things were syncing with his team.

So far, so good.

He met with Savannah regularly, which he liked, though she was doing a damn good job maintaining her distance on a personal level.

That part he didn’t like, but he was laying back and giving her space.

He wasn’t about to give up, though. He wanted her, and he saw her looking at him when she didn’t think he could see her. She wasn’t giving him just business looks, either. When she thought he didn’t notice, he caught her looks of hunger, of desire.

So why was she denying herself?

It was midweek and they’d just finished practice. He’d stepped out of the locker room after he’d showered and packed up to find Savannah waiting for him.

“Okay, the party planning is going well,” she said.

He frowned.

“Party. Your place. I know we pushed it back a week. But it’s on for tonight.”

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