
“Then at least give it a try. Be nice. Talk them up.”

He glared down at her. “About what?”

“Oh. My. God. You have no idea how to go about doing this, do you?”

“I’m not a moron.”

“I didn’t say you were. But you’ve never gotten close to anyone on any team you’ve ever played for. Start with the new kid—Kenny Lawton.”

“What about him?”

“He needs guidance. He’s the one out in the cold and craves leadership. Who better to offer it than you, a veteran in the game and in his position? Do you really want him bonding with the other two receivers and leaving you the one out in the cold?”

“You make me sound like an old man.”

“And you need to quit taking everything so personally. You’re not going to play football forever. No player does. Part of your responsibility to the game is to bring up the younger players—to pass the torch and make sure they’re ready to play as good or better than you did.”

“Kind of defeats the purpose of me being the best on this team.”

“You know as well as I do it’ll be years before he’s as good as you are. That doesn’t mean you can’t show him the ropes. Don’t you remember what it was like your first year?”

She had a point. It sucked being brand-new. His first year in professional football had been awful. He didn’t know anybody and he’d felt left out of everything. He’d barely been able to find his ass with both hands. If not for the guys who’d taken pity on him and showed him the way, he’d have been lost. He still remembered those guys today.


“And while you’re at it, try to be nice to Jamarcus and Lon. You’re all after the same thing and there’s a lot of intel you can share with each other. Like it or not, they’re the veterans on this team. They can help you.”

Who made her an expert on football all of a sudden?

He went back out on the field and joined the other receivers.

“Giving her some instruction?” Lon asked, a teasing glint in his eyes.

“She’s competent. Knows a lot about football. She’s an asset to have around.”

“She does have a nice ass, that’s for sure,” Lon said, nudging Jamarcus.

Cole’s blood boiled. He was two seconds away from shoving his fist in Lon’s face. But he glanced over at Savannah, who frowned and shook her head, so he stopped in his tracks and took a deep breath. But he still wasn’t going to let Lon insult Savannah. He got in Lon’s face. “Look. I like you. I think you’re one of the better wide receivers in the game. I’m new to this team and I’m trying to make a go of it, so for that reason alone I’m giving you a pass. But understand this: You make another personal remark about Savannah and I’ll lay you flat. You got me?”

Lon raised his hands. “No harm, man. I got you. Sorry. I didn’t know your relationship with her was like that.”

“It’s not like that at all. She’s a nice woman and she’s out here doing her job. You don’t need to ogle her and you don’t need to talk shit about her. Just keep your mind on your business.”

“Okay. I’m sorry again. Really.”

He could tell Lon was sincere this time. Now he had all this anger and no way to vent. Normally, he’d have had a fight by now, or he’d go walk off and do something to get rid of the tension. But heeding Savannah’s advice, he nodded. “Fine. Let’s go see if Bill can run some drills with us. Kenny and I could use some help getting the layout.”

“Okay. Sure.” Lon grabbed his helmet and he and Jamarcus walked off.

“Kenny,” Cole said.


“You’re a little slow on your timing. You need to push off harder and watch your left. Safety’s getting to you every time on the double six play.”

He could see the lightbulb go off in the kid’s eyes. Kenny gave him a tentative smile. “I didn’t see that. Thanks. I’ll work on it.”

Okay, so maybe that hadn’t been as bad as he thought it might be.

Jury was still out on how friendly he’d allow himself to be with these guys.

But Savannah might have had a point. There was no sense in making enemies when it was to his advantage to make friends.

At least on the surface.


She knew working with Cole was going to be tough. He wasn’t a marshmallow, and he wouldn’t take all her suggestions as easily as he’d taken this one. But the offensive line was running plays, Cole was getting the ball, and even the other receivers were blocking for him.

So far, that meant he hadn’t pissed off anyone. Not bad for day one. Maybe if she stuck close to him she could avoid a disaster. The coach still had reservations about Cole, despite her reassurances that she had it all under control. She’d told him Cole had changed, and it wouldn’t be long before he had an image as shiny as a bright new diamond.

Coach seemed dubious about that, and he told her actions spoke louder than promises.

Savannah never failed. If she had to move in with Cole and watch him like a first-time mother hovering over her newborn, that’s what she’d do. Her reputation was on the line.

Which meant instead of leaving during his practice, she decided to stay for the day. She pulled up a chair near the coaches and watched Cole practice.

Not a hardship, really. Tight pants, great ass, and a lot of sweat. There was no doubt he worked hard, and even though he was the oldest wide receiver on the team, if she could convince him to keep his head in the game, he could be the best. His reflexes were quick, he was in excellent health. He’d suffered no injuries during his career. Just watching his calves work made her mouth water. It was obvious his legs were still in prime shape.

So were his hands. He seemed to have an instinct about the ball, as if they were of the same mind. Wherever it was thrown, there he was. He had a light touch and he never dropped it. When he took off into a sprint, even the young defensive players had a difficult time keeping up with him as he dashed toward the end zone.

She’d underestimated him. Admittedly, she’d thought he was average—a player at the midpoint of his career with the attitude and chip on his shoulder to match. Watching him today she realized he was anything but.

With his talent, health, and stamina, Cole had a lot of seasons left. He could be an MVP if he concentrated more on the game and positive influences and less on getting in trouble.

That’s why she had her job. She was going to make sure this was a great season for him and just the beginning of great things.

She met him outside the locker room after he took his shower.

“You still here?”

“I am.” She followed him down the hall. “You had a great practice today. You looked amazing.”

That got a twitch of a smile from him. “Honey, I am amazing.”

“Your modesty touches me.”

He laughed. “I did have a good day today. Thanks for your help.”

She craned her neck to look up at him. “My help with what?”

“I spent some time with the other receivers, and I offered advice to Kenny. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

“I’m glad.”

They headed outside.

“You’d make a good coach,” he said.

She let out a soft laugh. “That’s not really my area, but thank you for thinking so.”

He walked her to her car, opened the door for her. She turned to face him. “Do you have plans for dinner tonight?”

He’d put on his sunglasses so she couldn’t see his eyes, but she imagined he was surprised by her question. “Uh, no. Why? Are we still on the clock?”

“I’m on the clock twenty-four hours a day. I thought we’d have dinner.”

“All right. What did you have in mind?”

“Actually, something simple. If you don’t mind, I’ll bring some food over to your place and cook for you.”

“You cook?”

“I do.”

He leaned an arm against the top of her car. “Are you a good cook?”

“I’m an excellent one.”

“It just so happens I like food. Fixed by excellent cooks. Come on over.”

“Does seven work for you?”

He seemed to be staring at her, and she wished she could see his eyes. “That works fine. See you then.”

She slid into the car and he shut the door, then walked away.

She couldn’t help the thrill of anticipation, but tamped it down immediately.

This was work, not a date, which she mentally reminded herself all the way back to her place. Her body, though, had other ideas. It tingled in all the wrong places.


Not. A. Date.


COLE PICKED UP THE HOUSE, WASHED THE DISHES IN the sink, and even ran the vacuum cleaner in anticipation of Savannah’s arrival. On impulse, he changed the sheets on his bed, then laughed, wondering what the hell he was doing.

Savannah wasn’t going to end up in his bed tonight. She was cooking him dinner. That was all.

But she had been throwing out some pretty clear signals lately. And despite what happened that night at the wedding, she’d wanted him to kiss her at his parents’ house.

Or maybe that was just his imagination. His imagination liked to think that every woman wanted to get into his pants.

He’d sure as hell like to get into Savannah’s. But it would be a smart idea to keep things between them professional. She’d made some keen observations about him on the field today. He could use her expertise, and screwing things up between them with sex might fuck up their relationship. He could end up losing her, and right now that would be bad.

He needed her. He might not know much about this whole image consulting thing, but he knew a good thing when he had it, and so far Savannah’s advice hadn’t hurt.

Getting his carrer on the right track was his number one priority and he needed to be smart and remember that.

Then again, when had he ever done the smart thing?

He threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, then organized the living room so it wouldn’t look like a jock lived there.

When the doorbell rang, he did a once-over of the place and decided it was going to have to be good enough.

He opened the door and held his breath. Her hair was down, like a waterfall of gold around her shoulders. She wore a yellow sundress and sandals—cute and casual, but she still managed to look elegant and beautiful.

He took the grocery bag from her hands. “I would have bought this stuff.”

“It’s no problem. Next time, you buy.”

“Deal.” He led her into the kitchen.

“I assume you have pots and pans.”

“Yes. My mom insisted I not live on take-out food. I know how to make basic stuff.”

Savannah laughed. “I can imagine her saying that to you.”

He showed her the layout of his kitchen and she started grabbing things while he unpacked groceries.

“I like steak.”

“Good, because you’re cooking them. I also made an assumption that you have a grill.”

“You assumed right.”

She got out a plate and did some basting and seasoning to the steak, but not a lot, which made him happy. Meat should taste like meat, not like other junk. She slid the steaks off to the side, then pulled out lobster.

He arched a brow. “Aren’t you fancy.”

“I like seafood.”

She set water boiling in two pans. One for the lobster and one for the rice dish she was making.

“You get your grill ready. I’ve got everything covered in here.”

He shrugged. “Okay.”

He went outside to start the grill, watching her through the sliding glass door.

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