Sophia, I am so pleased that you have found the happiness youdeserve.

Your loving mother,



Jackson Nets Mega BookDeal

(Exclusive to PWOAR! magazine!)

Bad-boy ex-soccer star Bobby Jackson has scored again—but thistime not with one of the many lovelies who graced the legendary sportsman’s bed.Jackson has just signed an exclusive two-book deal with publisher Spills &Moon, in what promises to be a rip-roaring tell-all story about his exploits,both on and off the pitch.

For those too young to remember the tousle-hairedcentre-forward whose prolific goal-scoring thrilled schoolboys and teenage girlsalike, Jackson latterly became more famous for his chequered love life, than forhis ball skills.

After fathering six children (by three different women!) andmaking and losing several fortunes in the process, Jackson is no stranger topublicity. But fans and enemies are keen to know whether he will throw somelight on the persistent claim that his father was a distant relative of thepresent prime minister.

Jackson is currently holidaying in Kashamak, where hisdaughter Ella is now queen, and could not be reached. From a Bedouin tent justoutside the main city of Samaltyn, where PWOAR!caught up with her, the new queen gave an enigmatic smile when asked for herreaction to the book.

Her husband, Sheikh Hassan, was not available for comment.


From Up Close! magazine:

Last night high-powered celebrity couple Ben and Natalia Jacksonattended a gala event to benefit several charities that support services forthose with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Natalia, the daughter ofthe king of the island principality Santina, spoke movingly about her own battlewith dyslexia and the support she is now receiving as an adult. Her husband,Ben, entrepreneur and son of ex-footballer Bobby Jackson, looked on proudlybefore claiming his new bride in a dance. Natalia looked stunning in ahalter-neck gown in silver satin with matching wrap. The happy couple posed foran exclusive photograph with Up Close! and allproceeds will go to several charities of their choice. The Jacksons recentlyhoneymooned in Rome, and they intend to divide their time between London andSantina. When asked, Natalia replied with a twinkle in her eye that her childrenwould need to spend at least half the year on her native island. Could babybliss be in the Jacksons’ near future?


Email from Angel McFarland, Lady    Pembroke, to Princess Allegra:

Here’s something that will make your blood run cold: I’ve somehowturned into a nature lover after all this time in the wilds of Scotland. Thehorror! I’ve become obsessed with the gardens, to the deep dismay of the poorgardener, who is forced to contend with me. I have personally planted whole bedsof flowers and even a shrub or two, and I have opinions about the state of thewoods. Can sheep herding be far behind?

Lest you become too worried and consider sending off a royalsearch party to find me and restore me to my former glory, I haven’t completelylet myself go. (Of course not! I am nothing if not vain up here in the middle ofnowhere.) I do pride myself on wearing totally inappropriate couture whiletramping about the grounds. I know, I know. Today’s charmingly offbeat countesswill become tomorrow’s village lunatic, my eccentricities whispered about behindevery local hand. There are worse fates.

We’ve opened the manor house to the public for the first timethis spring, and I’m having a wonderful time playing docent to all the tourists.(And there are so many! Who knew that people actually come to the ScottishHighlands deliberately?)

We’re headed to Kenya later this summer and plan to stay for afew months, at least. Rafe wants me to get a better handle on that part of theestate if I’m to continue in my (now official!) role as second in command of thegreat Pembroke empire. I prefer to call myself Vice President Pembroke,especially when talking to humorless solicitors. Rafe pretends that this offendshis dignity, but I know better. Luckily, I always find myself amusing.

Chantelle and I communicate only by text now, and it’s lovely.We’ve never got on better. It’s almost as if she’s a real mother.

If you ask me about starting a family one more time, I will cutyou off. Handbags at dawn, etc. I mean it. I don’t care if you’re a princess.Rafe and I have a few more demons to exorcise before we’re ready to take thatstep, I think. We married in haste, have no plans to repent, but are easing intoour future very, very carefully, even so. Copyright 2016 - 2025