“You are so nice.”

“It’s the least I can do. They did a lot for me when I had nothing,” he answers simply.

The sweet gesture of leaving that money for Nettie tells me so much about his character, and only reinforces the first thought I had about him being a good guy—whether he wants to believe it or not.

Xavier stands and extends his hand down to me. “Ready, beautiful? Let’s get you home before you turn into a pumpkin.”

I take his hand and laugh. “Did you just reference a princess story? Macho guys like you aren’t supposed to do that.”

He pulls me up against his side and wraps his arm around my shoulders. “We do if we’re hoping to be a woman’s Prince Charming someday.”

The idea that this sexy, beast of a man is trying to impress me causes my stomach to flip. If he keeps this up, those damn friendship boundaries we established will go right out the window because I won’t be able to stop myself from jumping his bones.

Being on the back of Xavier’s bike is more comfortable the second time around. I press my chest against his back so tightly I swear we share the same skin. It’s crazy how seeing him around his…family, I guess is what he calls them, and getting into his head a little bit changes my perception of him somewhat. While he’s still a very intimidating human being, I know under all that toughness is a man with a good heart. Everything he says to try and push me away, like telling me he’s not a good guy, only makes me like him more. It’s like he’d protect me from anything that would hurt me—including himself—which is a very endearing trait in a man. If he wasn’t leaving soon and wasn’t a known womanizer, I could see myself falling for Xavier Cold.

But he definitely isn’t the relationship type. He’s the let’s-have-some-fun-and-forget-each-other type, and that is a type that I most certainly do not partake in.

The moment Xavier pulls up in front of Aunt Dee’s place, the thought occurs to me that I never even gave him directions. The moment he kills the motor, I hop off the bike and yank the helmet off my head, unable to stop myself from asking the question flashing in my brain.

“How did you know where I lived?”

He grins mischievously. “Your cousin Quinn isn’t the only one who knows how to track down someone’s information.”

My teeth glide over my bottom lip, curious as to why he would go to all that trouble, and wondering what else this man knows about me. “I’m not certain that stalking me on the Internet would be that interesting. I’m boring.”

His eyes twinkle. “Boring is relative, Anna. Someone who graduated with a degree in hospitality—with honors—and a minor in dance, doesn’t seem that boring to me.”

I shake my head. “You found all that out on the Internet?”

“I didn’t, Deena did.”

Deena? The blonde from the club? She hates my guts and probably loathed that task. I’m surprised she didn’t fill his head with a bunch of lies about me while she was at it. “She work for you or something?”

He nods, and shoves his dark hair back off his face. “Yeah, or at least she did until she threatened me a little while ago. I don’t do well with threats. Giving me an ultimatum of any kind doesn’t work. She knows that. I do what I want, when I want. It’s a shame because she was a decent PA.”

I scrunch my brow. “What’s a PA?”

“A personal assistant,” he clarifies. “Jimmy is going to hate doing all my personal and managerial shit until he finds a new one.”

Xavier sounds like he might be a handful. “So you have two people that basically follow you around everywhere?

“More or less. I didn’t ask Deena to come out here with me though. She showed up on her own.” The moment he says that everything falls into place. No wonder that woman hates me.

Even though it’s none of my business, I ask, “Do you sleep with all your assistants?”

He smirks. “Is it that obvious?”

I laugh. “No woman would follow her boss unless she had to. And the look she gave me back at the bar—”

“She’s threatened by you,” he interjects.

“Why? Has she not seen herself?” I can’t imagine anyone who looks like Deena feeling threatened by the likes of me.

Xavier taps my nose. “You obviously haven’t seen yourself, Anna. Every man in that bar was watching you tonight, wishing they were the lucky bastard who got to take you home.”

“That’s why you said I was leaving with you whether I knew it or not, wasn’t it? You were protecting me from all the pricks in Detroit again, weren’t you?” I tease him, throwing his definition of every other man in the city back at him.

He winks. “What are friends for?” Xavier cranks the bike alive, and over the rumble he says, “See you around, beautiful.”

He doesn’t give me a chance to ask him when that will be before he speeds off into the darkness. A thousand questions dance through my mind as it replays the day I’ve just spent with this intoxicating man. I know never seeing him again would be the best thing for me, but I can’t stop the longing for him aching inside me. Xavier Cold is one bad man I pray I get the chance to know better.

The brush runs through my hair, and I stare absently into the mirror while my thoughts drift to Xavier. Ever since he dropped me off last night, I’ve had him on the brain. I know we’re just friends, but I have this unyielding desire to be more than that. The problem is, I know what he wants from me, but I’m afraid to go there because I don’t think I can give myself over to him just one time and be okay with him walking away. I know I’ll want more, and he’s not the relationship type.

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